Amazing Expanding Ice Standards

Amazing Expanding Ice

Correlations to National Science Standards

Grades K-4
Science as Inquiry - Content Standard A
Abilities Necessary to do Scientific Inquiry

  • Plan and conduct a simple investigation. In the earliest years, investigations are largely based on systematic observations.
  • Employ simple equipment and tools to gather data and extend the senses (including observing, using thermometers and magnifiers).
  • Use data to construct a reasonable explanation.

Understanding About Scientific Inquiry

  • Scientific investigations involve asking and answering a question and comparing the answer with what scientists already know about the world.
  • Scientists use different kinds of investigations depending on the questions they are trying to answer. Types of investigations include describing objects, events, and organisms; classifying them; and doing a fair test (experimenting).
  • Simple instruments, such as magnifiers, thermometers, and rulers, provide more information than scientists obtain using only their senses.
  • Scientists develop explanations using observations (evidence) and what they already know about the world (scientific knowledge). Good explanations are based on evidence from investigations.

Physical Science - Content Standard B
Properties of Objects and Materials

  • Objects have many observable properties, including size, weight, shape, color, and temperature. These properties can be measured using tools, such as rulers, balances, and thermometers.
  • Materials can exist in different states — solid, liquid, and gas. Some common materials, such as water, can be changed from one state to another by heating or cooling.

Grades 5-8
Science as Inquiry - Content Standard A
Abilities Necessary to do Scientific Inquiry

  • Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations.
  • Design and conduct a scientific investigation. Students should develop general abilities, such as systematic observation.
  • Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data.
  • Develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models using evidence.
  • Think critically and logically to make the relationships between evidence and explanations.

Physical Science - Content Standard B
Properties and Changes of Properties in Matter

  • A substance has characteristic properties, such as density, a boiling point, and solubility, all of which are independent of the of the amount of sample.


Last updated
September 30, 2009