Abstract Search Tips

The searchable abstract collection currently contains more than 20,000 abstracts from LPI-sponsored meetings dating back to 1997. The database allows users to refine searches based on a number of specific criteria, detailed below. Note that the search function is case insensitive.

Find abstracts:

with all of the words
Returns abstracts containing ALL the words entered. Use single words only separated by spaces; do not use boolean operators (e.g., entering lunar AND rover will search for all abstracts containing the word lunar, the word and, and the word rover). The search function performs basic word stemming (e.g., entering rove will return matches for rove and roving, but will not return matches for rover). Wildcards can be used in this field (e.g., entering rov* will return abstracts containing the words rover, roving, etc.).

with the exact phrase
Returns abstracts containing ALL the words entered, in the exact order you entered them (e.g., entering Mars rover will only return abstracts that contain that exact phrase, with the words in that exact order, and will not return abstracts containing the phrase Mars exploration rovers). Note that this is a search for exact phrase, not string, and therefore entries must consist of complete words. Wildcards cannot be used in this field.

with any of the words
Returns abstracts containing at least one of the words entered (e.g., entering impact crater Sudbury will return all abstracts that contain the word impact, OR crater, OR Sudbury, even if the abstract only contains one of those words). Wildcards can be used in this field.

without the words
Eliminates from the search results abstracts containing ANY of the words entered in this field. This field is best used to refine other searches. For example, if you are using one of the fields above to find abstracts containing the word meteorites, but you want to eliminate those referring to Antarctic meteorites, you should enter the word Antarctic in this field. Wildcards cannot be used in this field.

where my words occur
Allows you to define whether you want to search anywhere in the abstract (includes titles, authors and affiliations, text, and references) or narrow your search to find terms only in the title of the abstract.


written by all of
Returns abstracts written by all authors whose names are entered in this field. (The use of last names only will render optimal results, as author names are stored in the database based on how they were entered at the time of abstract submission. For example, abstracts authored by James W. Head III may be stored as J. Head, J. W. Head, J. W. Head III, J. Head III, etc.) To search for an author with a common last name, you can use quotes and initials to narrow results, e.g., "J Head" or "J W Head".

written by any of
Returns abstracts by any of the names entered in this field. For example, if you want to find any abstracts written by Everett Gibson, OR Randy Korotev, OR Allan Treiman, you can enter Gibson Korotev Treiman.

written by none of
Returns only abstracts that were NOT written by authors whose names are entered in this field. This criterion is best used in conjunction with some of the other fields, and will help provide a more narrowly focused search. For example, if you want to find abstracts written by Matthew Golombek, but only those that did not include Nathan Bridges as a co-author, you could use the first author search field ("written by all of") to enter the name Golombek, and use this field to enter the name Bridges.


Return abstracts published in
Returns abstracts from a particular meeting only. All the meetings that are currently in our searchable database will be displayed in this list, which is sorted in alphabetical order. Note that use of this field will override the selection of a date range.


Return articles published between
Returns abstracts from a specific date range. Date searches are inclusive. Use of only one field will set an upper or lower limit. For example, if you set the first field to 2004 and leave the second field blank, the results will only include abstracts published after December 31, 2003. Note that selection of a specific meeting will override these fields.


Return articles with abstract numbers
Returns abstracts with specific four-digit abstract identification numbers. This criteria is only useful if you know the abstract number of the abstract you are searching for (e.g., if you have seen a reference citation to a particular abstract that includes the number as part of the reference information) and should be used in conjunction with the Meeting field.

Abstract Citation Tips

How to Cite Abstracts from this Collection

Formal citation protocol and style are of course dictated by an individual publication (journal style, etc.). If you're not certain how much information to include, we recommend the following:

Search result:
Understanding Ambiguities in Backscattered Orbital Radar Sounding Data from the Martian Polar Layered Deposits Using Finite Difference Time Domain Simulations
E. Heggy, S. M. Clifford, D. Card
Fourth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration (2006), Abstract #8107

Heggy E., Clifford S. M., and Card D. (2006) Understanding ambiguities in backscattered orbital radar sounding data from the martian polar layered deposits using finite difference time domain simulations. In Fourth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, Abstract #8107, http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/polar2006/pdf/8107.pdf.

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