CLSE Lunar/Asteroid Traveling Exhibits
Online Survey

* Email address of person submitting:
* Name of Exhibit:
* Dates exhibit was displayed:
* Location of exhibit display:
Other. Please specify:
* Location
* Please estimate the number of visitors that saw the exhibit at your institution:
* Select Audience type:
Did you have other activities related to the exhibit display? If so, what? (e.g. accompanying activity, related resource display, family programs, childrens' programs, night viewing ...)
* What is your overall impression of the exhibit? Please check the responses that match your impressions:
The exhibit was highly praised by our some of our audience
The exhibit was favorably commented on by some of our audience
Some of our audience had negative comments about the exhibit
Our audience did not comment on the exhibit
Many in our audience appeared to spend time reading the exhibit
Only a few in our audience appeared to spend time reading the exhibit
The exhibit prompted our audience to inquire about further resources (e.g. books, multimedia, websites, etc.)