Space Capsules - Websites


Apollo 10: The Story is an interactive exploration of the Apollo 10 mission – precursor to the Moon landing of Apollo 11. Children ages 9 and older can learn about the mission and see diagrams of the capsule. Lesson plans, tied to the British school system, also are available.

NASA's Office of Space Science mission page provides links to the main pages of past, pending, and present missions. Each main page presents the mission goals, timeline of events, and an overview of mission engineering. Learn more about different types of space capsules and, in some cases, the ways in which they land on other planetary bodies.
What is the sun made of? Are the Earth and planets made of the same materials? The Genesis Mission sent a spacecraft to collect samples of the sun, called solar wind, that may contain the answers.

The goal of the Dawn Mission is to characterize the conditions and processes of the solar system's earliest epoch by investigating in detail two of the largest protoplanets remaining intact since their formations – Ceres and Vesta.

Scientists will learn about this small planet nearest to our Sun – Mercury – through the MESSENGER Mission

The Stardust Mission sampled Comet Wild 2 in January 2004 and is due to return sample material in January of 2006.

The Deep Impact Mission will propel a projectile into the surface of a comet to create a huge crater. Not only will this allow scientists to understand the cratering process, but they will be able to study a fresh comet surface and gain insights into how our Solar System formed.

On February 17, 1996, the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous was the first Discovery Program spacecraft to be launched. It is the first spacecraft to orbit and land on an asteroid – Eros.

The Cassini Mission successfully went into orbit around Saturn in June 2004 – after a 7 year voyage. Its probe, the Huygens probe, will travel to the surface of Titan and provide information about this moon.

This site contains details about the Huygens atmospheric probe, which is designed to be released from the Cassini Spacecraft and to descend to the surface of Saturn's moon, Titan. The capsule design needs to ensure that the probe will land safely.

Spirit and Opportunity roved across Mars in the Mars Rover Exploration Mission

Surveyor probes were the first U.S. spacecrafts to land safely on the Moon (1966–1968). The Surveyor probes were tasked with obtaining close-up images of the lunar surface so that it could be determined if the terrain was safe for manned landings.

The Soviet Venera Spacecraft missions encompassed a variety of Venus orbiters, landers, and probes between 1961–1983.

A small lander and rover were successfully delivered to the surface of Mars in 1997. JPL's Mars Pathfinder site includes mission information and images.

The Soviet Lunar program had 20 missions to the Moon, including the first probe to impact the Moon, the first flyby and image of the far side of the moon, the first soft landing, and the first circumlunar probe to return to Earth.

This historical archive of NASA's space history, rocket history, early astronauts, and the manned missions will be of great interest to individuals interested in the chronology of space aeronautics.

Find the latest news about the Space Shuttle program.

Web resources for the Apollo program.

The Gemini Mission pages from NASA's Kennedy Space Center. Gemini's mission included getting a man into space for up to two weeks, docking with orbiting vehicles, and perfecting the ways in which capsules re-entered Earth's atmosphere.

Johnson Space Center's searchable collection of more than 9000 NASA press release photos spanning the American manned space program, from the Mercury program to the STS-79 Shuttle mission.

Last updated
May 27, 2009


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