Preliminary Program and Abstracts

The preliminary program and abstracts are now available. Files are in PDF format, viewable only with version 3.0 (or higher) of the Acrobat Reader. Click here to download or upgrade.

Important note to authors:  If you notice any critical errors in the title or author list of your presentation, you must contact the LPI (phone:  281-486-2158; fax:  281-486-2160; e-mail: NO LATER THAN July 2, 1999. After this time, it will not be possible to make any necessary corrections in the printed program booklet.

If you find any critical errors in your abstract (e.g., a figure was corrupted, or a symbol did not translate properly), you must contact the LPI (phone:  281-486-2161; fax:  281-486-2125; e-mail: NO LATER THAN July 7, 1999, in order to have the time to make any necessary corrections to the version of your abstract that will be included in the volume.

Click here to begin viewing the preliminary program and abstracts.

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