Lunar and Planetary Institute

Nordlingen 2010   June 25-27, 2010   Nordlingen, Germany




Institut für Planetologie, University of
   Münster, Germany
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und
   Raumfahrt DLR (German Aerospace
   Center) at Berlin, Germany
Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI),
   Houston, USA
Barringer Crater Company, Decatur,

City of Nördlingen
Museum für Naturkunde – Leibniz-
   Institute for Research on Evolution
   and Biodiversity at the Humboldt
   University Berlin
Ries Crater Museum, Nördlingen
Center of Ries Crater and
   Impact Research (ZERIN),
Society “Friends of the Ries Crater
   Museum,” Nördlingen


Dieter Stöffler, Berlin
Hermann Faul, First Major of Nördlingen
Dr. Thomas Kenkmann, Berlin
Prof. Wolf Uwe Reimold, Berlin
Dr. Kai Wünnemann, Berlin
Prof. Harald Hiesinger, Münster
Prof. Tilman Spohn, DLR, Berlin
Dr. David Kring, LPI, Houston
Dr. Axel Wittmann, LPI, Houston
Gisela Pösges, Ries Crater Museum,    Nördlingen
Ralf Barfeld, Chair, Society
   “Friends of the Ries Crater Museum”





Nördlingen 2010:  The Ries Crater, the Moon, and the Future of Human Space Exploration will be held June 25–27, 2010, in Nördlingen, Germany. The international workshop is being held in honor of Eugene M. Shoemaker and on the occasion of three anniversaries:  The 1960 discovery of the Ries impact crater by Eugene M. Shoemaker and Edward C. T. Chao; the 1970 field training of Apollo astronauts in the Ries crater; and the 1990 opening of the Ries Crater Museum at Nördlingen. Nördlingen is a lovely medieval town with numerous cultural and historical sites to visit.


  When:  June 25–27, 2010
  Where:  Nördlingen, Germany


The workshop will include invited and contributed oral and poster presentations, as well as a number of keynote lectures; celebration of the three Ries anniversaries with a reception provided by the City of Nördlingen; a guided tour of the Ries Crater Museum; and a field excursion to the Ries impact crater.

Preliminary Program:

June 25
Scientific Poster session.
Invited evening lecture(s) by an U.S. Apollo astronaut or by one of the active NASA astronauts.
June 26

Scientific sessions (morning and afternoon) with several invited lectures including a lecture by a German astronaut.
Celebration of the three Ries anniversaries and reception by the City of Nördlingen.

June 27

Visit of the Ries Crater Museum and guided tour.
Field excursion to the Ries impact crater:  “On the track of the Apollo 14 and 17 astronauts of August 1970” with special celebration at the site of the discovery of coesite (suevite quarry of Otting) and reception by the mayor of Otting.

Click here for a preliminary program of the keynote lectures on Saturday.


The registration fee for the workshop will be 65 € (EUR) for participants who register by June 1, 2010. Registrations after that date will be subject to a late fee of 10 €.

The fee for the visit to the Ries Crater Museum and guided tour (field excursion) to the Ries crater on June 27 will be 25 €, with a 10 € late fee assessed after June 1.

Cancellations with request for refunds will be accepted through June 15, 2010, but a 20 € processing fee will be applicable.

Return the downloadable registration form along with your payment to the address below (not the LPI). For additional information, contact:

Gisela Poesges
Eugene-Shoemakerplatz 1
86720 Nördlingen
Phone:  09081 27 38 22 0
Fax:  09081 27 38 22 20
E-mail:  [email protected]

If you prefer to use a bank draft for your registration fee:

Name:  Gisela Poesges Ries Anniversaries 
Bank:  Sparkasse Nördlingen
Address:  Bei den Kornschrannen,  D-86720 Nördlingen, Germany
Bank code (routing number or BLZ) 722 500 00 
Account number:  15034432  
IBAN:  DE10 7225 0000 0015 0344 32  

If you prefer to use PayPal for your registration fee, go to the following website:

Note that if you pay by bank draft or PayPal, you should still send in the registration form, noting the date that you made payment.




Participants are responsible for making their own hotel reservations. A sufficient number of double and single rooms are available at the conference venue, Hotel Klösterle, for the period June 25, 2010, to June 27, 2010.

Rates per room per night:
   Single room:  81 €
   Double room:  95 €

To make reservations, contact:
   Hotel Klösterle Nördlingen
   Beim Klösterle 1
   D-86720 Nördlingen
   Phone:  +49 9081 87080
   Fax:  +49 90818708100
   E-mail:  [email protected]

There are several other hotels available that are close to the workshop venue. For more information, visit,, or


Please submit an electronic Indication of Intent form by February 1, 2010, to indicate your interest in attending the workshop. The indication of intent form will subscribe you to a mailing list to receive electronic reminders and special announcements relating to the meeting via e-mail.




For further information regarding the format and scientific objectives of the meeting, contact

Dieter Stöffler
Museum für Naturkunde –
Leibniz-Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity at the Humboldt University Berlin
Invalidenstrasse 43
D-10115 Berlin, Germany
Phone:  49 30-20938843 or x49 30-25924313
Fax:  49 30-20938565
E-mail:  [email protected]

For further information regarding registration, contact

Gisela Poesges
Eugene-Shoemakerplatz 1
86720 Nördlingen
Phone:  09081 27 38 22 0
Fax:  09081 27 38 22 20
E-mail:  [email protected]

For further information regarding abstract submission, contact

Linda Tanner
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Phone: 281-486-2142
Fax: 281-486-2125
E-mail:  [email protected]

February 1, 2010
Deadline for indication of intent forms
February 25, 2010

Second announcement, including call for abstracts,
available on this website

Thursday, April 8, 2010
5:00 p.m. (CDT)
see timezone map

Deadline for abstract submission through this website
(PDF format only)

May 7, 2010

Final announcement, including program and abstracts,
available on this website

June 1, 2010

Deadline for registration at the reduced rate

June 25–27, 2010

Nördlingen 2010:  The Ries Crater, the Moon, and the Future of Human Space Exploration held in Nördlingen, Germany



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