NASA Mission To Study Mysterious Lunar Twilight Rays

Back in the 60s and 70s, Apollo astronauts circling the Moon saw something that still puzzles researchers today. About 10 seconds before lunar sunrise or lunar sunset, pale luminous streamers would pop up over the gray horizon. These “twilight rays” were witnessed by crewmembers of Apollo 8, 10, 15 and 17.

Lunar twilight rays sketched by Apollo 17 astronauts. Credit: NASA.

Lunar twilight rays sketched by Apollo 17 astronauts. Credit: NASA.

Back on Earth, we see twilight rays all the time as shafts of sunlight penetrate evening clouds and haze.  The “airless Moon” shouldn’t have such rays, yet the men of Apollo clearly saw them.

Later this week a NASA spacecraft is going back to the Moon to investigate. Slated for launch on Sept 6, 2013, the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (“LADEE” for short) will seek out twilight rays and other mysteries of the lunar atmosphere.

“Yes, the Moon does have an atmosphere,” says Richard Elphic, the project scientist for LADEE at NASA Ames.  “It’s just much more tenuous than ours.”

The Moon’s atmosphere is so flimsy—about ten thousand billion times less dense than Earth’s—that a good sneeze would rip through it like a hurricane. “Lunar air” is a gossamer mix of argon-40, which seeps out of the ground due to radioactive decay in the lunar interior, plus elements such as helium, sodium, and potassium, sputtered off the lunar surface by solar wind and micrometeoroids.

None of these gases appear in sufficient quantities, however, to explain the twilight rays.

“We’re missing something,” says Elphic.

The missing piece might be dust. When sunlight falls on the Moon, solar UV radiation electrifies the unprotected topsoil, possibly causing lightweight grains of moondust to rise off the ground, joining the gases already there.

“This electrically charged dust may be what the astronauts saw,” says Elphic. LADEE’s Lunar Dust Experiment will collect and analyze dust in the Moon’s atmosphere to test this hypothesis.

Artist's depiction of the LADEE spacecraft in orbit at the Moon. Image credit: NASA.

Artist’s depiction of the LADEE spacecraft in orbit at the Moon. Image credit: NASA.

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