NASA Astrobiology Strategy: Important Milestone

The NASA Astrobiology Strategy process has reached an important
milestone. The concept documents, which were created at the face-to-
face Wallops Island workshop, are now ready for public comment.

The commenting process will be kicked-off with a webinar on the 19th of
September at 14:00 EDT. During the event, Frank Rosenzweig, Eric Smith,
and Michael New will give an overview of the work done so far, and
explain the next steps. More details can be found at:

The kick-off event will be followed by a series of webinars in which
the authors of each paper will discuss their key ideas and answer
questions. With a few exceptions for public holidays, these webinars
will happen on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 14:00 Eastern time. Details
of each event will be available at the above URL and also via email

Questions may be directed to Andy Burnett
[email protected]