DPS Prizes: Nominations Due March 15

All DPS members are encouraged to submit nominations for DPS prizes.

A complete nomination submitted by the deadline will be considered by the Prize subcommittee for 3 years (i.e. for this year’s award, next year’s award, and the year after that), or for the duration of a candidate’s eligibility, whichever is less. Please fill out the nomination form form, attach all other required documents, and e-mail it as a single document (PDF preferred) to the Prize Subcommittee Chair at [email protected].

More information

The DPS sponsors five prizes:

The Gerard P. Kuiper Prize honors outstanding contributions to the field of planetary science.

The Harold C. Urey Prize recognizes outstanding achievement in planetary research by a young scientist.

The Harold Masursky Award acknowledges outstanding service to planetary science and exploration.

The Carl Sagan Medal recognizes and honors outstanding communication by an active planetary scientist to the general public.

The Jonathan Eberhart Planetary Sciences Journalism Award recognizes and stimulates distinguished popular writing on planetary sciences.