Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, to work on numerical simulations and data analysis to understand the environment in which life originated on the early Earth and potentially on other planets. The position will be supervised by Prof. David Catling.

The postdoctoral associate will collaborate with a project group to do research involving a variety of biogeochemical data analyses, physical-chemical models, and Bayesian inverse models of the Earth System and atmosphere. Models to constrain environmental conditions during the origin of life and the spread of early life will also be considered in the context of Earth-like planets elsewhere.

Applicants must hold a PhD in Earth and Space Sciences, or an appropriately related field such as Astronomy, Planetary Sciences, or Geophysics. The candidate should have an aptitude for numerical modeling and have appropriate associated skills. The successful candidate will also be encouraged to cooperate with researchers and students in the university’s cross-campus Astrobiology Program.

For further details, please see: