We are proposing a dedicated Python package for use in small bodies planetary astronomy (asteroids and comets). The idea is to include well-tested routines that are widely used in our field to prevent people from re-inventing the wheel time and again. The goal would be to produce a package that will eventually be added as an Astropy affiliated package, meeting all of their high-level standards and building upon existing functionality.

We would like to know from you, as a potential user, what features you would be interested in. Also, if you are interested in contributing, either by doing actual Python programming for this package or simply contributing existing code (Python or any other common language, your contribution will be properly acknowledged), please let us know.

We created a google form for you to provide us feedback.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us directly:

Mommert ([email protected]) and S. P. Kelley ([email protected])