AGU Session 24739: If You See Something, Say Something – Exploring the Weird and Wonderful Features of the Solar System

Satellite data acquired from NASA and international missions provide a wealth of information about the geologic features of rocky and icy bodies throughout the solar system. Comparing these features with features on Earth and other Solar System bodies can inspire hypotheses,
and yield important insights about how geologic processes operate and differ across bodies. Sometimes, however, we encounter geologic features for which we have no ready comparison. This session is aimed at exploring these features in more detail and exposing the wider
community to them. We encourage you to submit unusual features (however you chose to define unusual), and particularly encourage the submission of features that have left you scratching your head. Presenters will briefly introduce unexplained observations of geologic (tectonic, volcanic, aeolian, glacial, etc.) features. The session will then allow time for discussion so that the community can bring combined knowledge to better understand the weird and wonderful geologic features throughout the solar system. This session encourages
planetary and terrestrially-focused scientists to come together to combine their observations and expertise.

Conveners: Angela Stickle and Lauren Jozwiak