Roadmap for Small Bodies Exploration

The Roadmap will be a living document laying out where we are, where we want to go and what is needed to get there in the exploration of small bodies. It will be updated with the availability of new studies, such as the decadal survey, and new discoveries. This should be a primary source document for the future of small bodies robotic and human exploration by NASA. The generation and maintenance of the document is open to community participation.


January 14: Completed section drafts are to be posted for community comment.
January 24–25:   Fourth SBAG meeting at which sections will be presented and discussed.


  1. Science Issues
  2. Population Identification and Characterization
  3. In-Situ Study
  4. Sample Return
  5. Laboratory Study
  6. Theoretical Study
  7. Human Exploration
  8. Technology Capabilities and Needs
  9. Data Archiving and Access

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