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Subject: draft of whole document on ident. & char.
Author: Yan Fernandez <[email protected]>
Date: 16-Jan-2011 19:31:38

Hi everyone -- Attached is the Jan-16th draft of
our identification and characterization section.
Instead of an outline, we now have an actual document. :)
Thanks to those of you that sent me ideas and text.

Please, everyone: Read through it and make your edits.
Put 'track changes' on in Word and send the document back
to me. I'll merge everything together.

There is _a_lot_ of room for editing. I expect and want
many tomatoes to be thrown at the text -- feel free to go wild.
Also: (a) There are some parts of section 3 that are still blank;
(b) There are no 'findings' yet; (c) There are almost no references
yet. All this needs to be taken care of.

In theory we'd like to have something that we can show
the rest of the community on the 19th, Wednesday.
But the definite hard deadline to have something reasonable
is Monday the 24th, when the SBAG meeting starts.

Thanks for your input !
--Dr. Yan Fernandez, Asst. Prof. of AstronomyDepartment of Physics, University of Central [email protected],

This Thread
  Date   Author  
* 16-Jan-2011 Yan Fernandez
This Author (Jan-2011)
  Subject   Date  
draft of 21-Jan-2011
* draft of whole document on ident. & char. 16-Jan-2011
EXTERNAL: 10-Jan-2011
EXTERNAL: 04-Jan-2011