Spectra as given in Fig.1 and Fig.4 from our 2003 JGR paper
"Infrared stealthy surfaces: Why TES and THEMIS may miss substantial mineral deposits on Mars."

These spectra illustrate the reduced spectral contrast and altered band shape that surface texture causes. The data are in Fig.1 and Fig.4 of our JGR paper.
The data may be freely used with reference to the preprint:
Preprint .

Fig.1: Laboratory spectrum of calcrete
Fig.1: Field spectrum of calcrete
Fig.1: Band centers for the field spectrum above (wavenumber)
Fig.1: Airborne (SEBASS) spectrum of calcrete
Fig.1: Airborne (SEBASS) wavelength centers for the spectrum above (microns)
Fig.1: ASU laboratory spectrum

Fig.4: Laboratory spectrum of fresh limestone
Fig.4: Laboratory spectrum of weathered limestone
Fig.4: Laboratory spectrum of grit-blasted limestone

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