Discrepancies between this database, IAU nomenclature, and Schaber et al. database Name Lat. Lon. Diameter comments ON BOTH USGS NOMENCLATURE AND SCHABER ET AL. DATABASE Nuriet 20.6 245.6 17.9 probably volcanic Jasmin 15.6 61.6 15.1 volcanic Lorelei 55.7 243.9 15 not enough information to determine origin Ivne -27 132.8 9 not enough information to determine origin Solace 35.9 317.2 5.3 probably volcanic Kyen -6.2 64.7 5.2 not enough information to determine origin Zarema 16.8 235.2 5 not covered by mosaiced data Saodat -2.9 344.6 3.7 probably volcanic ONLY IN USGS NOMENCLATURE Shirley 31.5 55.4 18 not enough information to determine origin ONLY IN SCHABER ET AL. DATABASE Higgins 8.1 241.3 40 not enough information to determine origin unnamed 81.7 85 11.5 not enough information to determine origin Afiba -47.1 102.7 9.5 not enough information to determine origin Gulchatay 20.6 295.5 9 volcanic Gulnara -23.7 174 5 not enough information to determine origin Sasha 38.3 277.8 4.6 volcanic unnamed 47.1 6.9 4.5 volcanic unnamed -48.6 216 3.5 volcanic unnamed 27.47 86.04 2.9 volcanic unnamed 2.3 262.8 2.8 volcanic unnamed -10.9 173.7 2.5 volcanic unnamed -22.3 342.5 2.4 volcanic unnamed 39.6 340 2.3 volcanic unnamed -17.6 313.9 2.1 volcanic unnamed 81.62 84.97 2 not enough information to determine origin unnamed 4.9 322 2 volcanic unnamed -27.4 330 2 volcanic or splotch unnamed -32.6 314.7 2 secondary unnamed 13.31 123.45 1.9 volcanic unnamed 57.8 22.5 1.8 not enough information to determine origin unnamed -2 10.3 1.8 no real hole, more like dark splotch unnamed 75.6 242.4 1.7 secondary unnamed 60.4 137.15 1.7 not enough information to determine origin unnamed 67.6 157.2 1.5 volcanic unnamed 13.97 191.64 1.5 not enough information to determine origin unnamed 6.7 298.3 1.5 volcanic unnamed -35 105.6 1.5 volcanic or splotch unnamed 43.8 290.5 1.4 volcanic unnamed 39.8 289.8 1.3 not enough information to determine origin Co 1 OR 2 ONLY IN THIS DATABASE Confidence Level unnamed -54.1 55 6.4 2 unnamed -61.3 182.7 5.9 1 unnamed 77.4 109 3.5 2