Appendix to Charter : Informatics Subcommittee
The Informatics Subcommittee of CAPTEM consists of four voting members, one of whom is Chair and a member of CAPTEM.
The primary responsibilities of the Informatics Subcommittee of CAPTEM are:
- To develop a prioritized, long-term vision for capabilities of the external interface for JSC curation, in consultation with the PI community and JSC Curation.
- To support development of a strategic plan for Informatics, which may include different funding scenarios.
- To represent the PI community in the development of external requirements for the JSC databases and catalogs.
- To provide ongoing, periodic assessments of external aspects of JSC databases and catalogs.
- To provide findings to JSC Curation on the capability and sustainability of current informatics technology as applied to collections.
The Informatics Subcommittee holds quarterly telecons with ARES Informatics and Database management to develop actions to further these goals, as appropriate. The Informatics Subcommittee Chair reports to CAPTEM at the semiannual CAPTEM meetings.