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Editorial Contributions:


The Early Mars topical website is intended as an evolving and regularly updated resource.  Contributions of research news; meeting and special issue announcements; photos of Early Mars conference dinners, poster sessions, speakers, and field trips; citations of peer-reviewed publications for inclusion in the Early Mars Reference Library; links to Educational Resources; Student Research Opportunities; and other relevant content are most welcome.  If you have material you wish to contribute, please send it (by email or post) to Steve Clifford, Lunar and Planetary Institute, 3600 Bay Area Blvd, Houston TX 77058.


Some examples of the types of contributions we are looking for:


Latest News:  Any announcement of recent research findings, upcoming meetings, special sessions or special issues, related to Early Mars. Please send us a 2-sentence headline and a URL to a webpage where more extensive information is available.  News items will be displayed for a maximum of one month before they will be transferred to the “News Archive”.


Early Mars Reference Library: To keep the Early Mars community informed of the latest research (dealing with the geology, hydrology, atmosphere, climate and possible origin of life on Early Mars) we are compiling an online bibliography that includes citation information, links to the abstract and paper on the journal website, and (when available) a link to a pdf of the paper on the author’s personal website.  In the near future, we will be adding an author, subject, and publication date search function to improve the utility of the Library for research.


Contributions to the Early Mars Reference Library should have the following format:


Forget, F., R. Wordsworth, E. Millour, J.-B. Madeleine, L. Kerber, J. Leconte, E. Marcq, and R. M. Haberle. 3D modelling of the early martian climate under a denser CO2 atmosphere: Temperatures and CO2 ice clouds. Icarus, 222:81-99, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2012.10.019 [Abstract | PDF]


Where the Abstract is the link to the abstract on the journal webpage and PDF is the URL to a pdf of your paper. IMPORTANT: Please do not send us a pdf of your paper for posting — only the URL of your paper on your own personal website or on the journal website. 

Educational Resources: If you have an existing website where educational resources related to Mars are available for teachers, students and the general public, please send us the URL — along with a title and explanation of the available resources (descriptions should be limited to a maximum of 15 words).


Please send all contributions to [email protected].