Reaching the Moon
Agenda | Participants | Resources | Notes | Evaluation Responses | Steering Committee
March 9, 2008
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Houston, Texas
Steering Committee
With Appreciation to the Workshop Steering Committee:
Ms. Jaclyn Allen, Education and Public Outreach, Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Directorate, NASA Johnson Space Center
Mr. Brian Day, Education and Public Outreach Lead, Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite Mission, NASA Ames Research Center
Dr. Marilyn Lindstrom, Program Officer, Planetary Science Programs, and Education and Public Outreach Lead, Planetary Science Division, NASA Science Mission Directorate
Mr. Brian Mitchell, Education and Public Outreach Manager, Lunar Precursor Robotic Program, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Dr. Cassandra Runyon, Education and Public Outreach Lead, Moon Mineralogy Mapper Instrument, Lowcountry Hall of Science and Math, College of Charleston
Ms. Daniella Scalice, Education and Public Outreach Coordinator, NASA Astrobiology Institute, NASA Ames Research Center
Dr. Stephanie Shipp, Manager of Education, Lunar and Planetary Institute
Ms. Christine Shupla, Education Specialist, Lunar and Planetary Institute
Ms. Stephanie Stockman, Education and Public Outreach Lead, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
And to our Speakers:
Dr. Paul Spudis, Lunar and Planetary Institute
Dr. Jennifer Heldmann, NASA Ames Research Center