Family Space Day Overview - Mercury

Family Space Day is a three hour event. The activities are set up so that children
and parents can select the order in which they undertake activities. Parents and
children are encouraged to learn, play, and explore together.

Objectives of the Day

Children will:

  • learn the characteristics of planets.
  • learn about the surface and interior of Mercury.
  • learn about what it would be like to live on Mercury.


  • Station 1: What’s a Planet?
    Children and their parents explore 6 boxes to learn the characteristics of
    planets. The children answer questions related to each box and put their
    answers on their answer sheet.
  • Station 2: Mercury on a String
    Children and their parents create a mobile of Mercury to add to their current
    solar system mobile made from other Family Space Day events or have it be
    the first of a series of planet mobiles.
  • Station 3: Impact Craters!
    Children explore how Mercury got covered with circular depressions. The
    process of cratering is one of the most important geologic processes in our
    solar system – as Mercury displays for us!
  • Station 4: Living on Mercury Book
    Children answer questions about what it would be like to live on Mercury and
    then use different craft items to decorate their book.
  • Station 5: Coloring Sheets and Games
    Children can relax and color and play simple games related to Mercury.
  • Station 6: Reading Room
    Children and their parents can browse and read a selection of books about
    Mercury (refer to book list for suggested reading).

Other Materials

Facilitator Information – Merucry
Explore Mercury – Book and Website References
All About Mercury – A Mercury Fact Sheet


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