Mars Through Time
Presented at the Lunar and Planetary Institute
Mars Introduction
- Mars Match Game
- Nature of Science Sorting Activity
- Early Mars Exploration Slides (PPT)
- History of Mars Exploration Data Sets
- Telescopic Photography of Mars
(Posted with permission from the Lowell Observatory Archives, Flagstaff, AZ. Please give credit when using.) - Mars Temperatures Paper (Petite & Nicholson, 1924)
- Mariner 4 Data Summary
- Mariner 6 & 7 Data Summary
- Mariner 9 Data Summary
- Viking Data Summary
- Mars Global Surveyor Data Summary
- Mars Pathfinder Data Summary
- Mars Odyssey Data Summary
- Mars Exploration Rovers Data Summary
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Summary
- Mars Phoenix Data Summary
- Telescopic Photography of Mars
- Accretion and Collisional Evolution of Our Solar System – Dr. David Kring
PDF | Recording (Coming soon!) - Dr. Kring’s Education Links
Mars Geology
- Crater Boxes
- Online Impact Cratering Laboratory
- Mars Observations and Mars Inferences
- Blue Marble Matches
- Other NASA JSC ARES Education Products:
- Mars Mystery Rocks
- Mars Mystery Rocks Slides
- Hints on Using the Alta Spectrometer
- ALTA Spectrometer Loan Request
- Purchasing Color Gels & Diffraction Gratings
Gels can be purchased from a variety of locations, including:
Stage Lighting Store
Stage Spot
Premier Lighting and Production Company - Gels come in 20” x 24" sheets; each will produce 40 sets of eyeshades. Recommended Roscolux colors include: red #27, blue #74, green # 90. Spectra of gels are available by clicking on the spectra symbols at
- Diffraction Grating material comes in sheets from suppliers such as Science First or Sargent Welch. Diffraction grating glasses and cards are available at suppliers such as Rainbow Symphony, Edmund Scientific, and Science First.
- Mineralogy of Mars: Using our Experiences on Earth to Understand Processes on Mars – Dr. Liz Rampe
PPT | Recording (Coming soon!) - Is it science? | Finding Bigfoot Clip
- Lava Layering
Mars Data
- CosmoQuest
- Google Mars
- Exploring Mars: The Inside Story – Dr. Walter Kiefer
PPT | Recording (Coming soon!) - Small Body Geology: Vesta, Ceres, and Pluto – Dr. Walter Kiefer (PPT)
- Johnson Space Center Visit
- Meteorites and What They Tell Us About Mars – Dr. Kevin Righter (PDF)
- 2014–2015 Season of the Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET)
- JSC Lunar Rock Classification Activity
Lunar Rock Classification Resources 1
Lunar Rock Classification Resources 2
Lunar Rock Image Card Set
Lunar Rock Image Card Set – Full Sized Slide - Lunar/Meteorite Disk Certification Security Sheet
Mars Exploration
- Marsbound! Activity
- Strange New Planet
- Exploring Mars with the Curiosity Rover and ChemCam – Dr. Nathan Bridges
PDF | Webinar Recording - Online Interactives from the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado, Boulder
- What Happened to the Ancient Martian Atmosphere – Dr. Dave Brain
PPT (~200 MB!) | Webinar Recording - Mars Meteorology
- Water on Mars - Dr. Amy Williams
PPT | Webinar Recording
The 2015 workshop was supported by the ChemCam instrument onboard the Curiosity rover and the Lunar and Planetary Institute.