
Lunar and Planetary Institute

Bulletin Released in New Online Format

January 9, 2018

Lunar and Planetary Informatin Bulletin

We are pleased to launch a new online format of the Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletin (LPIB). The new design improves accessibility from more devices, enhances navigation to sections of interest, and makes it easier to share articles on social networking sites. For those readers who prefer the old format, a downloadable PDF is also available for each issue.

The LPIB collects, synthesizes, and disseminates current research and findings in the planetary sciences to the research community, science libraries, educators, students, and the public. The LPIB is dedicated to engaging, exciting, and educating those with a passion for the space sciences while developing future generations of explorers.

The LPIB welcomes articles dealing with issues related to planetary science and exploration. Of special interest are articles describing web-based research and educational tools, meeting highlights and summaries, and descriptions of space missions.

The LPIB is published on a quarterly schedule (January, April, July, and October). To be added to the list to receive email notification of future issues, please visit

For more information, visit:
Current Issue
Past Issues  



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