
Lunar and Planetary Institute

LPI Announces the Recipients of the 2020 Career Development Award

February 6, 2020

LPI Announces the Recipients of the 2020 Career Development Award

Dr. Louise Prockter (LPI) presents the 2019 Career Development Award to Davitia James (Northern Colorado)

The Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) is pleased to announce the 20 recipients of this year’s Career Development Award. The award is given to graduate students who have submitted a first author abstract for presentation at the 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC). The awards are based on a review of the application materials by a panel of planetary scientists, and recipients will receive funds to help cover their expenses for attending the conference. The Career Development Award is open to graduate students from the U.S. and other countries. This year LPI received 77 applications from 15 countries including the United States, Colombia, India, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany Czech Republic, Italy, Australia, Netherlands, Great Britain, Switzerland, Algeria, and Hungary.

The 51st LPSC will be held at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center in The Woodlands, Texas. The meeting provides an invaluable opportunity for students, not only to present their own research, but also to hear and see firsthand the latest-breaking results from other researchers in their field. Opportunities are also provided for students to meet and network with an international group of distinguished researchers.

Congratulations to the 2020 recipients:
Chimira Andres (Western University), Ardith Diane Bravenec (University of Edinburgh), Camille Adeene Denton (Purdue University), Leticia Pacetta De Marchi (Auburn University), Samantha Griffin (University of Glasglow), Marc Vincent Heemskerk (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Imene Kerraouch (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster), Corbin Kling (North Carolina State University), Christopher Kremer (Brown University), Dara Laczniak (Purdue University), Melissa Mirino (Open University), Amanda Ostwald (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), Sabina Raducan (Imperial College London), Amanda Rudolph (Purdue University), Catheryn Ryan (Western University), Andrew Siwabessy (Long Beach State University), Maggie Thompson (University of CA, Santa Cruz), Gavin Douglas Tolometti (Western University), Adomas Valantinas (University of Bern), and Zoe Wilbur (University of Arizona).

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