
Lunar and Planetary Institute

LPI Announces the Recipients of the 2019 Career Development Award

February 19, 2019

 Hadean Earth

Dr. Louise Prockter (LPI) presents the 2018 Career Development Award to Jack Wright (The Open University) Image Credit: Lunar and Planetary Institute

The Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) is pleased to announce the 16 recipients of this year’s Career Development Award. The award is given to graduate students who have submitted a first-author abstract for presentation at the 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC).

The awards are based on a review of the application materials by a panel of planetary scientists, and recipients will receive funds to help cover their expenses for attending the conference. The Career Development Award is open to graduate students from the U.S. and other countries. This year LPI received 96 applications from 15 countries including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Japan, Morocco, Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States.

The 50th LPSC will be held at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center in The Woodlands, Texas. Approximately 2,000 participants from all over the world are expected to gather for the annual meeting, which has gained the reputation of being the premiere gathering place for lunar and planetary scientists. The meeting provides an invaluable opportunity for students, not only to present their own research, but also to hear and see firsthand the latest-breaking results from other researchers in their field. Opportunities are also provided for students to meet and network with an international group of distinguished researchers.

Congratulations to the 2019 recipients:

Enrica Bonato, (Natural History Museum), Frances Butcher, (Open University),Samuel Courville, (Colorado School of Mines), Ana Carolina De Souza Feliciano, (Observatorio Nacional), Ariel Deutsch, (Brown University), Houda El Kerni, (University of Casablanca), Al Emran, (Auburn University), Jordan Faltys (University of Alabama), Keenan Golder, (The University of Tennessee), Yuki Hibiya, (University of Tokyo), Davitia James, (Northern Colorado), Laura Jenkins, (Western University), Eleanor McIntosh, (Scripps Institution for Oceanography), Kaushik Mitra, (Washington University), Juulia-Gabrielle Moreau, (University of Helsinki), and Kaitlyn Stacey, (University of Texas).




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