
Lunar and Planetary Institute

Early Career Virtual Networking Event

March 27, 2020

LPI Announces the Recipients of the 2020 Career Development Award


Early career scientists (undergraduate/graduate students and postdocs) are invited to give lightning talks (approximately 5 minutes) on their work (i.e., research, skills) at a virtual networking event hosted by the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI). This virtual event is intended to provide a venue for early career scientists in the job market to network with prospective advisors and employers.

Prospective advisors and employers are invited to view these presentations, which will be organized into thematic sessions. The talks will also be posted online to increase each participant's exposure opportunities.

Interested presenters are asked to register in advance. Registration will close on April 10 at 5:00 PM US Central Daylight Time. Tentatively, these presentations will be scheduled over a span of days in the late April/early May timeframe.

Please direct questions to Andy Shaner.

For more information, visit: 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

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