Family-Friendly Virtual Program to Celebrate Earth Day
April 19, 2021
Virtual Exploration Experiences with Planetary Scientists (VEEPS) are online family events that include discussions with a scientist and an activity for children. In celebration of Earth Day, join us to meet Dr. Rusty Low. She will describe how we can find (and prevent) mosquito babies. We will play a game and learn how to collect data that scientists can use to reduce mosquito-borne diseases in communities.
Dr. Rusty Low is a senior scientist at the Institute of Global Environmental Strategies, Arlington, VA. She is the lead scientist for NASA’s GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper, a citizen science tool that allows anyone, anywhere to identify, report and mitigate mosquito breeding sites on the landscape. These actions decrease the risk of mosquito-borne disease in communities, and the data is important for scientists involved in mosquito vector disease research.
To participate, you will need a computer or tablet with an internet connection, or you can join on a smartphone. We will send additional directions to all who register.
VEEPS: Playing Hide and Seek with Mosquito Babies
April 24, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. CDT