Register for LPSC Student and Early-Career Events

February 11, 2022

Register for LPSC Student and Early-Career Events

53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
March 7–11, 2022
The Woodlands, Texas/Virtual

The Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) is planning a variety of student and early-career events for the 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference and invites you to attend as participants, mentors, and presenters! Many of these opportunities require advance registration. We are also seeking experienced attendees to help as reviewers and mentors. Please join us!

Seminar: Tips for Optimizing Your LPSC Experience

Virtual: Thursday, February 17, 3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. CST

Register today for a free, virtual seminar designed to help students and early-career scientists prepare for LPSC 2022. In this one-hour program, experts and experienced conference attendees will share their perspectives and offer guidance about how to capitalize on the conference experience. Topics of discussion will include tips for delivering a great presentation, advice for successful networking, information about additional resources, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a first-time attendee, you’re invited to tune in and take part!

LPSC Early-Career Presenters Help Desk

Virtual: Tuesday–Thursday, February 22-24, 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. CST

Students, post-doctoral fellows, and other early-career scientists preparing to present their research at LPSC 2022 are invited to stop by a virtual Help Desk for assistance in planning their oral or poster presentations. Participants will have the opportunity to receive feedback on presentation content from experienced scientists before submitting their files for the conference. Spaces are limited, so register now! To volunteer as a reviewer or for more information, email [email protected].

LPSC Insights: Get Connected, Stay Connected

In-person: Monday, March 7, 12:15 p.m. CST

Are you a student attending LPSC for the first time? Are you unsure how to navigate the conference? Are you nervous about networking? This mentoring program is for you! First-time student attendees who register for this program will be introduced to an experienced LPSC attendee, and the pair will spend time attending sessions and networking together. Registration is required. If you are an experienced LPSC attendee and would like to mentor a first-time attendee, please email [email protected].

Education and Workforce Development Posters

Please join us for the March 8 in-person poster session and the March 9 virtual poster session to discuss posters on these topics.

LPSC Daily Wrap-Up: LPSC Networking Events

In-person and Virtual: Monday–Thursday, March 7–10, Time TBD

Conference attendees and the public are invited to join this daily evening discussion of conference presentations. Conference attendees can join in person or online, and the public is welcome to join online. More information will be available soon at the LPSC Student and Early-Career Events web page.

Public Event: Live from LPSC

Thursday, March 10 at 6:00 p.m. CST

The public is invited to join us for a virtual conversation with planetary scientists who will share some of the latest news and research being presented at LPI’s annual science conference. Topics of discussion will include updates from NASA’s Mars 2020 mission and Perseverance rover, insights about the upcoming Venus missions, the latest findings from lunar research, and much more!

Join here or watch on the LPI’s YouTube channel.


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