Allan Treiman Receives Prestigious G. K. Gilbert Award
July 8, 2022
USRA’s Allan Treiman, at the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI), was selected to receive the 2022 Geological Society of America G. K. Gilbert Award from the Planetary Geology Division for his outstanding contributions to the field of planetary geology.
“As Principal Scientist at the LPI, Allan is richly deserving of this award not only for his extensive body of work on the geologic histories of a wide variety of planetary materials, but also for the breadth of his many research collaborations that have reached across the U.S. and around the world,” said Lisa Gaddis, Director of the LPI. “Allan has had a strong positive influence on many in the international planetary science community.”
The award is named for G. K. Gilbert, who 100 years ago clearly recognized the importance of a planetary perspective in solving terrestrial geologic problems. The G. K. Gilbert Award is presented annually for outstanding contributions to the solution of fundamental problems in planetary geology in the broadest sense, which includes geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, geophysics, geologic mapping, and remote sensing.
Treiman studies planetary materials and geology, emphasizing Mars. His current work is closely tied to the Mars Science Laboratory and Mars 2020 rover spacecraft. Treiman is a co-investigator for the CheMin (MSL) and PIXL (M2020) instruments, and has taken on mission-level roles like long-term planner and return sample scientist. This mission work builds on Treiman’s extensive studies of martian meteorites, and related investigations of lunar rocks and asteroidal samples. Treiman has a long-standing interest in Venus’ rocks and their chemical interactions with its atmosphere; he happily anticipates results from the upcoming flotilla of Venus spacecraft.
Treiman has made outstanding contributions to fundamental problems in planetary geology in the broadest possible sense. He has an international track record in studies of the petrology and geochemistry of Venus, Mars, meteorites, and the Moon. He has an unusually broad set of interests, investigating not only small‐scale processes such as tiny melt inclusions in meteorites, but also large‐scale planetary processes such as vast volcanic flows on Venus. The impact of his work is demonstrated by his publication of no fewer than 141 papers, and the fact that he routinely receives over 700 citations a year.
Presentation of the G. K. Gilbert Award is made during the annual business meeting of the Division held in association with the Annual Meeting of the Society to be held on October 9–12, 2022, in Denver, CO.
USRA congratulates Allan Treiman on receiving this award!
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