USRA Announces Lisa Gaddis’ Retirement as Director of the Lunar and Planetary Institute

February 23, 2024

Universities Space Research Association’s (USRA’s) Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) announces the retirement of Dr. Lisa Gaddis from her role as Director.

Dr. Lisa Gaddis

Dr. Lisa R. Gaddis served as Director of the LPI from November 2020–January 2024.

Throughout her years of service, she played a crucial role in guiding LPI, particularly during the challenges posed by the global pandemic. Her leadership has been vital in initiating new projects, sustaining important partnerships, and overseeing activities aligned with NASA’s strategic objectives in planetary science and solar system exploration.

Bernie Seery, Vice President of Science and Technology at USRA, commented, “Dr. Gaddis shepherded the LPI through a difficult period in LPI’s existence over the last three years, with the onset of the global pandemic, the changes in the way LPI conducts research as a result, and the pivot of the LPI towards preparing for the decade of sample science—all during her tenure as Director. Her leadership was steady throughout, and her efforts at transforming the Institute were both noteworthy and highly successful. Lisa will be sorely missed.”

As Director of the LPI, Dr. Gaddis achieved remarkable milestones. In 2022, NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) recognized her outstanding leadership and scientific contributions honoring her with the prestigious Eugene Shoemaker Distinguished Scientist Medal.

Dr. Gaddis successfully oversaw the transition of the annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference to an all-virtual format in 2021. This pioneering move was followed by hybrid formats in 2022 and 2023, which not only maintained but saw growth in participation due to the expanded and inclusive format.

Dr. Gaddis' legacy is marked by her unwavering commitment to fostering inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA) within the planetary science community. Dr. Gaddis led the establishment of the LPI IDEA Advisory Committee, providing a channel for direct feedback to LPI leadership. By actively engaging with the planetary community on these topics, she has helped shape a culture within the organization that prioritizes diversity and inclusivity, ultimately enhancing the quality and impact of the scientific work conducted.

Recently, Dr. Gaddis championed USRA’s response to NASA’s Support for Planetary Sample Science (SPSS) program to train scientists on handling extraterrestrial samples or astromaterials. Her exceptional leadership ensured the institute was awarded a three-year cooperative agreement to support NASA’s Planetary Science Division through new collaborations with NASA’s ARES (Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science) Division and within the astromaterials community. Dr. Gaddis also helped secure the renewal of the ARES Cooperative Agreement, making it possible for the LPI to continue to provide essential technical expertise to ARES.

USRA will ensure a smooth transition of LPI leadership through the appointment of Dr. Walter Kiefer as the Interim Director of the LPI. Dr. Kiefer's leadership will provide stability and continuity during this transitional period and particularly through the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. USRA has convened a search committee to manage the process of selecting the next director of the LPI. Visit Science Positions to view current openings and apply.

Dr. Walter Kiefer

Dr. Walter S. Kiefer has been named the Interim Director of the LPI, effective February 1, 2024.

Recently, Dr. Gaddis championed USRA’s response to NASA’s Support for Planetary Sample Science (SPSS) program to train scientists on handling extraterrestrial samples or astromaterials. Her exceptional leadership ensured the institute was awarded a three-year cooperative agreement to support NASA’s Planetary Science Division through new collaborations with NASA’s ARES (Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science) Division and within the astromaterials community. Dr. Gaddis also helped secure the renewal of the ARES Cooperative Agreement, making it possible for the LPI to continue to provide essential technical expertise to ARES.

USRA will ensure a smooth transition of LPI leadership through the appointment of Dr. Walter Kiefer as the Interim Director of the LPI. Dr. Kiefer's leadership will provide stability and continuity during this transitional period and particularly through the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. USRA has convened a search committee to manage the process of selecting the next director of the LPI. Visit Science Positions to view current openings and apply.

Dr. Walter Kiefer

Dr. Walter S. Kiefer has been named the Interim Director of the LPI, effective February 1, 2024.


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