LPI Launches New Abstract Search Tool
November 8, 2006
HOUSTON - The Lunar and Planetary Institute is pleased to announce the release of a new search tool (www.lpi.usra.edu/publications/absearch) that will allow users to conduct refined searches of abstracts presented at LPI-sponsored meetings since 1997. The searchable database currently contains more than 20,000 abstracts from 75 meetings, including annual events such as the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) and Meteoritical Society (MetSoc) meetings, as well as topical workshops and conferences such as Oxygen in the Earliest Solar System and Chondrites and the Protoplanetary Disk.
The advanced search capabilities are designed to easily locate abstracts by a number of different criteria including keywords, author names, and specific meeting.
The release of this database is in response to suggestions received from the community, including responses from the recent LPI survey conducted in September. More enhancements are being planned for the coming months as the Institute continues to respond to suggestions and to diversify the services we offer to NASA and the planetary science community.
Last updated November 28, 2006