Lunar and Planetary Institute
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Lunar and Planetary Institute



LPI Welcomes Planetary Science Interns

June 7, 2010

The Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) is pleased to announce the arrival of the 2010 class of the LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science. The LPI’s highly competitive intern program offers undergraduates the opportunity to experience cutting-edge research in lunar and planetary science, working one-on-one with scientists at the LPI and the NASA Johnson Space Center on a project of current interest in planetary science. This year’s program will run from June 7 through August 13. The students below were selected from an applicant pool of more than 250 students, and we welcome them to the Institute as they begin what promises to be a very rewarding summer!

The application deadline for next year’s program will be in January 2011. We will begin accepting applications in the fall.

For more information about the program, visit the summer intern webpage.

Student:  Aaron Bauer, Williams College
Advisor:  Tomasz Stepinski (LPI)
Project:  Automated Detection and Characterization
of Lunar Craters Using Topography Data

Student:  Cameron Mercer, Middlebury College
Advisors:  John Jones and David Draper (JSC)
Project:  A Low Temperature Study of High-Ti Lunar Systems

Student:  Tiffany Engle, Sam Houston State University
Advisors:  Juliane Gross and Allan Treiman (LPI)
Project:  Mineral Chemistry and Origin of Spinel-bearing Rock Types in Lunar Highland Meteorites

Student:  Sean Murphy, Lafayette College
Advisor:  Paul Schenk (LPI)
Project:  Rayed Craters on Saturn’s Icy Moons

Student:  Joel Hecker, University of Cincinnati
Advisor:  Paul Spudis (LPI)
Project:  Radar Properties of Lunar Geological Units

Student:  William Vaughan, University of Chicago
Advisors:  Katherine Joy and Axel Wittman (LPI)
Project:  Characterization of the Impact History of Lunar Meteorite PCA 02007

Student:  Kristin Johnson, Youngstown State University
Advisor:  David Mittlefehldt (JSC)
Project:  Investigation of Orthopyroxene Diversity in Howardites

Student:  Katelyn Verner, Southern Methodist University
Advisors:  Patrick McGovern and Gerald Galgana (LPI)
Project:  Structure and Evolution of Large Volcanoes on Venus from High-Resolution Stereo-Derived Topography

Student:  Abigail Koss, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Advisors:  Brad Sutter and Douglas Ming (JSC) Evolved Gas Database of Volatile Minerals

Student:  Kathryn Volk, Northern Illinois University
Advisors:  Paul Niles and Richard Socki (JSC)
Project:  Carbonate Caliche Deposits from Sunset Crater, Arizona:  Analogs for Carbonates of Mars

Student:  Adam Koster, Calvin College
Advisor:  D. C. Golden (JSC)
Project:  Interaction of Volatiles and Fluids with Mars Surface Materials, Laboratory and Field Analog Studies

Student:  Annie Wintzer, University of Florida
Advisors:  Carlton Allen and Dorothy Oehler (JSC)
Project:  Sediments in the Northern Plains of Mars — Sources and Sinks


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Last updated June 7, 2010