Lunar and Planetary Institute
Lunar and Planetary Institute



Kring Receives Award for Distinguished Service

September 26, 2012

Dr. David A kring at Meteor CraterThe Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) is pleased to announce that Dr. David Kring, a senior staff scientist at the LPI, has been named as the 2012 recipient of the Ronald Greeley Award for Distinguished Service.

The Planetary Geology Division (PGD) of the Geological Society of America (GSA) established the award in 2011. The award is given to those members of the PGD, and those outside the Division and GSA, who have rendered exceptional service to the PGD for a multi-year period.

Kring was selected as the recipient of this award for the work he has done in administering the Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award. In 1997, Kring and others affiliated with the GSA Planetary Geology Division were approached by Carolyn Shoemaker, widow of the late Eugene (Gene) Shoemaker, and asked if they could help set up an endowment with the GSA Foundation to support a research scholarship fund. The first award was given in 1999. Kring initially administered the award for GSA from the University of Arizona, but with the approval of the LPI Director, he has administered the award from the LPI since 2006.

The Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award is for undergraduate or graduate students, of any nationality, working in any country, in the disciplines of geology, geophysics, geochemistry, astronomy, or biology. The award, which includes a cash prize, is to be applied for the study of impact craters, either on Earth or on the other solid bodies in the solar system, which areas of study may include but shall not necessarily be limited to impact cratering processes, the bodies (asteroidal or cometary) that make the impacts, or the geological, chemical or biological results of impact cratering.

For more information, visit

Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award

GSA Planetary Geology Division

Dr. David Kring’s Research Page


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Last updated September 26, 2012