Lunar and Planetary Institute
Lunar and Planetary Institute



LPI Announces New Public Moon Website

July 21, 2009

The Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) is pleased to announce the release of an expanding lunar education new-media portal, MyMoon. MyMoon leverages our new scientific exploration of the Moon and innovative social networking opportunities to engage a fresh new audience in lunar science and exploration - the Net Generation. LPI is collaborating with lunar scientists, educators, artists - and the public - to populate it with science content, diverse media exhibits, events, and opportunities for involvement. Through MyMoon, the public can interact with lunar content that will inform them about NASA's lunar science research and missions, and engage them in future plans for lunar exploration and eventual habitation.

Through MyMoon, the public will have an opportunity to take surveys; share their thoughts, creations, and experiences as they participate in online and web-conferenced discussions; submit video, art, and stories for a variety of competitions; vote on favorites; attend online events; and more.

Collaborators include education and public outreach teams from current NASA missions:

The MyMoon project is funded by a grant from NASA's Science Mission Directorate.

For more information, visit



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Last updated July 21, 2009