Center for Lunar Science and Exploration Releases Higher Education Lunar Resources
January 11, 2013
The Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) and the Center for Lunar Science and Exploration (CLSE), in collaboration with a number of higher education institutions, has announced the establishment of a Higher Education Lunar Consortium. Science faculty and CLSE researchers are working together to infuse lunar science and exploration content into undergraduate and graduate courses by developing online material that teachers anywhere in the world can access and incorporate into their classrooms.
The newly designed Higher Education Lunar Consortium webpage provides access to such resources as:
- Classroom Illustrations: Downloadable classroom illustrations with instructional captions for educational use
- 3D Models: 3D models currently available include Linné Crater, Tycho Crater, and Schrödinger Basin
- Laboratory Exercises: Exercises that can be integrated into planetary geology courses or can stand alone as a way to illustrate planetary processes such as impact cratering
- Lunar Sample Atlases: Libraries of images taken in the Lunar Sample Laboratory and other research laboratories, including the Apollo Thin-Section atlas and the Virtual Microscope catalog
- Lunar Image Atlases: Links to a number of lunar image atlases, including Apollo surface panoramas and the Lunar Orbiter Photo Gallery
- Video Resources: Including flyovers, simulations, and the Moon 101 Lecture Series
- Lunar Analogue Data Sites: Extensive information about Barringer Meteor Crater and the Black Point Lava Flow in Arizona
- Lunar-related Textbooks: Electronic versions of a number of essential books for lunar researchers, including The Geologic History of the Moon, Planetary Science: A Lunar Perspective, and Lunar Sourcebook: A User’s Guide to the Moon
Other resources available include PPT slide sets and PDF briefing packages; computational tools; consortium laboratory exercises; and additional classroom and laboratory props. The list of LPI/CLSE resources available to the community will continue to expand as new science and exploration concepts are developed, in an effort to provide students the latest exploration results and opportunities for research and careers in cutting-edge lunar science.
For more information and to access these resources, visit
Higher Education Lunar Consortium webpage
Last updated January 11, 2013