Each team will submit a written report (not to exceed 20 pages in length) and will make an oral presentation at the Forum. The weight assigned to the written report is 70% and to the oral presentation 30%. The awards will be presented following the Forum, as the written reports will not be available until the first day. The reports will be made available to the judges at the start of the Forum, for use as reference during the presentations.

Each reports will contain the following information:

Title of design study
Team members (students first, then faculty advisors)
Introduction to the study-what problem are you solving or what are you designing?
Approach to the problem-how will you do your project?
Future studies, lessons learned
References-use standard format for publications

Judging will consider both oral and written reports as follows:

Written Reports (70 points):

Report Responsive to Directions 10
Informative and Substantive Abstract 5
Understanding of Problem 10
Quality and thoroughness of work 25
Usefulness of Study and Conclusions 10
Outreach 10

Oral Reports (30 points):

Consistency with written reports 5
Clarity of Description of Work Performed 10
Effective Use of Visual Aids 5
Evidence of Presentation Team Integration and Teamwork 5
Quality of Response to Questions 5

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