Dr. Donald Bogard


Dr. Donald Bogard

Heritage Fellow
E-mail: bogard@lpi.usra.edu

Don Bogard has a half-time, six-month appointment as a Heritage Fellow, primarily for the purpose of writing an invited review paper on Ar-Ar ages of meteorites, but also for the purpose of interacting with LPI and JSC staff on the chronology of lunar materials and the impact history of the Moon.

From 1971 until his retirement from NASA in 2010, Dr. Bogard was a PI in NASA’s lunar and meteorite research programs and directed an analytical lab at JSC.  He was a member of the science team that performed quarantine testing of Apollo lunar samples in 1969-71; he helped establish the joint U.S. Antarctic Meteorite Program and directed meteorite curation from 1978-1984; he was discipline scientist for NASA’s planetary materials research programs over 1984-1992.  He is a recipient of the Leonard Medal of The Meteoritical Society, the NASA Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement, and the NASA Exceptional Service Medal.

Scientific objectives of Dr. Bogard’s research are to utilize isotopic compositions of the noble gas elements to establish chronologies and thermal histories for the moon and asteroidal parent bodies of meteorites; to investigate the composition and origin of volatile components in the solar system, including the solar wind and atmospheres of the terrestrial planets, including Mars; and to utilize interactions of solar and cosmic radiation with planetary surfaces to determine properties of energetic solar particles and exposure histories of small bodies in space.  He has performed scientific research on a variety of planetary topics, including discovery and characterization of Martian atmospheric gases in a meteorite, which provided direct evidence for Martian origin of SNC meteorites. Another research interest is the early bombardment history of the inner solar system, which he has addressed through Ar-Ar age determinations of returned lunar samples, lunar meteorites, and eucritic meteorites.  He has published ~150 peer-reviewed science papers.

Don Bogard welcomes friendly discussion with LPI staff about any of these science topics.

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Last updated
September 27, 2010