Lunar Sample 15555
Mission | Apollo 15 |
Lithology | basalt |
Location | collected about 12 meters north of the rim of Hadley Rille, with no fresh craters in its immediate vicinity, and from an area with fewer rocks exposed than at the Rille edge. |
Description | ("Great Scott") is both the largest and the most intensively studied of the Apollo 15 rocks. It is a medium-grained olivine basalt, with a few percent small vugs. It is probably very close to a liquid composition, i.e., it contains few, if any, accumulated crystals. It crystallized ~3.3 b.y. ago. Unlike other nearby rocks, 15555 was not dust-coated. It is generally tough, but many exterior chips fell off during earth transit and many of these pieces are friable. It is sub-rounded and blocky, with many zap pits. |
Laboratory Views (Mug Shots)
Top |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Bottom |
Thin Sections
In Situ
AS15-82-11164 |
Cutting and Miscellaneous Lab Views
Cutting and Chipping Diagrams
Rock Model Photograph of Apollo 15 Sample(s) 15555 |
Rock Model Photograph of Apollo 15 Sample(s) 15555 |
Stereo Views
Other Information
Lunar Sample Atlas Lunar Sample15555