MAPSIT Information
Laura, J.R., M. T. Bland, R. L. Fergason, T. M. Hare, and B. A. Archinal (2018). Framework for the development of Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructures: A Europa case study. Earth and Space Science, 5(9), 486-502, doi:10.1029/2018EA000411.
Laura, J., T. Hare, L. Gaddis, R. Fergason, J. Skinner, J. Hagerty, and B. Archinal (2017), Towards a Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(6), 181, doi:10.3390/ijgi6060181.
S. J. Lawrence, J. Hagerty, L. R. Gaddis, B. A. Archinal, J. Radebaugh, S. Byrne, S. Sutton, D. DellaGiustina, B. Thomson, E. Mazarico, D. Williams, J. Skinner, T. Hare, R. Fergason, and J. Laura (2016). “The Mapping and Planetary Spatial Infrastructure Team (MAPSIT): Addressing Strategic Planning Needs for Planetary Cartography,” Proceedings of the 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2015 March 21–25, The Woodlands, Texas, abstract no. 1710.
S. J. Lawrence, B. A. Archinal, and L. R. Gaddis (2015). “Addressing Strategic Planning Needs for Planetary Cartography,” Second Planetary Data Workshop, Flagstaff, AZ, June 8–11. Abs. #7068.
Planetary Data Ecosystem
NASA's Planetary Data Ecosystem website contains links to Planetary Science Division's Information and Data policy, as well as information about the PDE Independent Review Board and Report (2021) . The responses to the report are also available online.
Planetary Geoscience Mapping Survey
The United States Geological Surveys (USGS) Planetary Geologic Map Coordination Group (Flagstaff, Ariz.) surveyed planetary geoscience map makers and users to determine the importance, relevance, and usability of such products to their planetary science research and to current and future needs of the planetary science community. This survey was prepared because the planetary science community lacks a modern assessment of the value invested in geoscience map products and processes (including the diverse scientific and technical personnel who add to and maintain this infrastructure) and a strategy that ensures these efforts appropriately prioritize mapping efforts across all solid surface bodies in the Solar System.
This publication is available at
Suggested Citation
Skinner, J.A. Jr., Huff, A.E., Fortezzo, C.M., Gaither, T., Hare, T.M., Hunter, M.A., Buban, H., 2019, Planetary geologic mappingprogram status and future needs: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 20191012, 40 p.,
Planetary Data Spatial Infrastructure (including Planetary Cartography) Planning Documents
Planetary Cartography Working Group (PCWG) (1993). “Planetary Cartography 1993–2003”
Subject: Most recent completed 10 year NASA planetary cartography plan.
The Planetary Cartography Working Group (PCWG) (1989). “Planetary Cartography in the Next Decade: Digital Cartography and Emerging Opportunities,” NASA TM 4092, March.
Subject: Update to initial 10 year NASA planetary cartography plan.
The Planetary Cartography Working Group (PCWG) (1984). “Planetary cartography in the next decade (1984–1994),” NASA SP-475, Scientific and Technical Information Branch, Washington, D.C.
Subject: Initial 10 year NASA planetary cartography plan.
Summary and Abstracts of the Planetary Data Workshop. June 2012
Ara V. Nefian, Julie Bellerose, Ross A. Beyer, Brent Archinal, Laurence Edwards, Pascal Lee, Anthony Colaprete, and Terry Fong (2013). "Human and Robotic Mission to Small Bodies: Mapping, Planning and Exploration - A Study for the Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Joint Robotic Precursor Activities (JRPA) Project”. NASA/TM–2013–216538, White Paper, June 14. Available from (using search by author).
Subject: NASA cartography planning needs for small bodies.
J. R. Johnson, B. Archinal, R. Kirk, L. Gaddis, J. Anderson, and the NASA Planetary Cartography And Geologic Mapping Working Group (PCGMWG, including B. Bussey, R. Beyer, L. Bleamaster, W. Patterson, J. Gillis-Davis, T. Watters, P. Schenk, and B. Denevi) (2010). “The Importance of A Planetary Cartography Program: Status and Recommendations for NASA 2013-2023,” Planetary Science Decadal Survey White Paper. Available from (web page 4, document “JeffreyRJohnson.doc”). Also available as
Subject: NASA planetary cartography needs and recommendation “to create a long range planetary mapping and cartography plan” (page 8).
A list of references to historic PDS documents are in alphabetical order by author's name.
USGS Astrogeology Science Center
OpenPlanetary is an initiative by planetary scientists and mappers to use and share Planetary Data and GIS technologies to expand our understanding of the planets. It aims at creating an online community, using tools such as Slack, Twitter, Github and StackExchange.
International Cartographic Association (ICA) Commission on Planetary Cartography