Workshop on Ices, Oceans, and Fire: Satellites of the Outer Solar System (Icy Satellites 2007), August 13-15, 2007, Boulder CO

Workshop on Ices, Oceans, and Fire: Satellites of the Outer Solar System (Icy Satellites 2007)

Second Announcement — April 2007


Lunar and Planetary Institute,
National Aeronautics and
   Space Administration

Curt Niebur,
   NASA Headquarters


Terry Hurford,
   NASA Goddard Space
   Flight Center

Jeffrey Kargel,
   University of Arizona
Sue Kieffer,
   University of Illinois
Jeffrey Moore,
   NASA Ames Research Center
Curt Niebur,
   NASA Headquarters
Robert Pappalardo,
   Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Louise Prockter,
   Applied Physics Laboratory,
   Johns Hopkins University

Jani Radebaugh,
   Brigham Young University
Paul Schenk,
   Lunar and Planetary Institute


  The Workshop on Ices, Oceans, and Fire:  Satellites of the Outer Solar System will be held August 13–15, 2007, at the Hotel Boulderado, 2115 Thirteenth Street, Boulder, Colorado. The historic hotel is located in downtown Boulder and is a National Register Landmark and a member of the National Trust's Historic Hotels of America.


Date:  August 13–15, 2007
Location:  Boulder, Colorado


  Exploration of the outer solar system has revealed the planetary satellites there to be quite varied. Despite their remarkably diverse surfaces, these bodies undergo many of the same processes. However, each body experiences key processes to a different extent, and some have unique processes that add to the phenomenological menu shared by other satellites. The combination of the unique physical properties and chemical compositions of the satellites with the varying magnitudes of the processes experienced by them is largely responsible for their evolution to their currently diverse states.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers focused on specific satellites or mechanisms to share their work in the broader context of common processes and unique properties shaping the satellites of the outer solar system. Research characterizing the current state of the satellites is integral in accomplishing this purpose. The goal of the conference is to promote cross-fertilization of research among communities focused on specific satellites. There exists a continuing need to reevaluate ideas and paradigms, especially as new mission data become available, thus bringing to the forefront new discoveries and adding new highlights to old findings from previous missions and Earth-based astronomy. This meeting will help meet this need and provide a fresh process-oriented framework for our evolving understanding.




  The three-day workshop will consist of invited presentations and contributed oral and poster presentations. The workshop will conclude at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 15.

Oral Presentations
The meeting will be structured with a morning and an afternoon oral session organized around topical themes. Each oral session will begin with an invited talk to introduce the topic, and the remainder of the session will consist of contributed talks. Oral presentations will be limited to approximately 8 minutes to allow ample time for questions and discussion.

Audio-visual equipment available for oral presentations will include one LCD projector and one pc laptop. Please read carefully the instructions for electronic presentations.

Poster Presentations
A poster session scheduled for Monday evening, August 13, will reflect a broader scope than the oral sessions. Posters may be installed on Monday morning and will be left on display through Wednesday noon, August 15, at which time they must be removed. Authors must be present at the scheduled session to discuss their poster.

Each poster will have a space 44" × 44" (1.1 m × 1.1 m) for display. Posters will be displayed on free-standing panels that are 4' × 8' (122 cm × 244 cm) (inside frame). Two presenters will share one side of one panel, so it is important that displays are confined to the specified limit. Posters must be designed to be attached to the panel with pushpins. Due to space limitations, tables, computers, video equipment, etc., CANNOT be accommodated as a part of a poster display.

Registration and Special Events
Participants may register from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 12, in the foyer outside the sales office on the Mezzanine level of the hotel in the historic section. A welcome reception consisting of a buffet of hors d'oeuvres with an assortment of beverages will be served from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on the Mezzanine. A reception will also be held during the poster session on Monday evening.




  On Tuesday evening, August 14, workshop participants are invited to attend a Science On a Sphere (SOS) presentation by Steve Albers at the "Planet Theater" of NOAA's David Skaggs Research Center (DSRC). After starting from planet Earth, we will be touring the solar system with a special emphasis on planetary satellites. See spectacular recent high-resolution imagery of the satellites projected onto a 6-foot sphere seeming to float in outer space.

Attendees will be responsible for arranging their own transportation to the NOAA site in Boulder (see note below about bus route). Please read carefully the instructions for NOAA's visitor check-in procedures (maps and driving directions are also provided in that document). Plan to arrive at the security gate by 6:00 p.m. if you wish to attend the first showing. We will meet between 6:15 and 6:30 p.m. in the DSRC (Skaggs building) main lobby by the security desk. You must bring an ID to show the NOAA security officer at the entrance gate on Rayleigh road, just west of Broadway. At the visitor center near the entrance gate the officer will sign you in and give you a visitor badge. Please allow about 15 minutes for checking through security and subsequent parking on the west side of the DSRC. There is plenty of parking on the west side of the DSRC building, and most of the spaces in that lot are nonreserved. Entrance to the Skaggs building is on the west side in the central portion.

If there is sufficient demand, we will see SOS in two shifts as the Planet Theater holds about 35–40 people. The first show will begin at 6:30 and the second (if necessary) will begin at 7:15 or 7:30. If you arrive at the DSRC later than 6:30 you will need to wait for the second showing. Feel free to relax and socialize in the lobby. Please note we'll mostly be standing (with maybe 3 or 4 seats available) during the actual SOS presentations. More information about all the NOAA laboratories in the DSRC building in Boulder is available at the NOAA website.

There is no charge for this event, but anyone planning to attend MUST register in advance using the electronic form provided.

Note about transportation:  The "SKIP" bus route provides service from the Boulderado near Broadway to NOAA (using either the 27th Way or Rayleigh Road stops). For more information, visit the SKIP on Broadway website.  



  Researchers are invited to submit extended abstracts that address topics of broad interest to the satellites community. Abstracts may not exceed TWO pages, including graphics, tables, and references. File sizes are restricted to 1.5 MB. The organizing committee will establish the workshop program based on the appropriateness of the abstract submissions.

Contributors are specifically encouraged to address the following topics:

  • Origin and early evolution
  • Oceans and interiors
  • Composition
  • Impacts and ages
  • Plumes and volcanism (hot and cold)
  • Tectonism
  • Convection
  • Tidal and thermal evolution
  • Magnetic and particle interactions
  • Terrestrial analogs
  • Astrobiology
  • Erosion and volatile processes
  • Atmospheres
  • Cross-discipline synthesis
All abstracts, whether invited or contributed, must be submitted electronically to the Lunar and Planetary Institute via the electronic submission form by 5:00 p.m. U.S. Central Daylight Time on Thursday, May 17, 2007. Templates and detailed instructions for formatting and submitting your abstract are provided.

The abstracts and preliminary program will be available in electronic format and accessible via the workshop website on July 3, 2007. These files will be in PDF format. Author notification letters will not be mailed, so authors should check the online program to find out where their abstract has been scheduled.




  A fee of $125.00 will be assessed each participant to cover workshop expenses. This fee includes two receptions and morning and afternoon coffee breaks for three days. You must preregister and prepay by July 12, 2007, to avoid a $100.00 late fee.

Participants registering by credit card MUST use the secure electronic registration form; those registering using any other method of payment (check, money order, or traveler's check) MUST use the downloadable registration form. Requests for cancellation with a fee refund (less a $25.00 processing fee) will only be accepted through July 27, 2007. After that date, the registration fee will be forfeited.

Please note that only badged attendees may participate in the receptions and coffee breaks.

A guest fee for the two receptions is available at $75.00 per person.


Preregistration Deadline:
   July 12, 2007


  The Hotel Boulderado is holding a room block of 75 guest rooms at the special discounted daily rate of $134.00 plus applicable tax (10.25%), single or double occupancy, for a Traditional Queen room. The special rate will be available for three days prior to and three days after the meeting dates.

Boulderado King rooms are available for $174.00 plus tax.

An optional guest room configuration is the deluxe room with two queen beds, which is $154.00 plus tax. There will be an additional charge of $15.00 for a third or fourth adult (18 years or older) in a room. A maximum of four adults is allowed per room. Participants looking for a roommate to share housing expenses can post a message using the roommate search form.

The daily rates include wireless Internet, local and toll-free telephone calls, lobby newspapers, access to the 24-hour Business Center, and access to the One Boulder Fitness Center.

Valet parking is available for $8.00 per day.

Check-in time is 4:00 p.m.; check-out time is 11:00 a.m. Any requests for early arrivals or late check-outs are subject to availability and are not guaranteed. The hotel charges 50% of the room rate for check-outs between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., and a full night's rate for check-outs after 1:00 p.m.

To ensure a room at the special rate, reservations MUST be made by July 12, 2007.

** Note! **  After July 12, 2007, any unsold rooms will be released back to the hotel inventory, and guests who register after that date will be charged according to available rates. **

Room Reservations:  Room reservations may be made by referencing "LPI Group".

    Toll-free Reservations Line:  800-433-4344
    E-mail:  [email protected]





  Boulder is located approximately 45 miles (~48 minutes) northwest of the Denver International Airport (DIA). For driving directions to the Hotel Boulderado from DIA, see




  NASA Headquarters has announced that travel funding will be made available for approximately 25 students and early career (within seven years of the completion of a Ph.D) researchers with satellite-related interests. To be considered for this funding, an application must be submitted. NASA Headquarters will make the selections and notify recipients.

Travel grants will not exceed $1500.00. Reimbusable costs can include transportation (airfare, mileage to/from airport, parking, rental car) and lodging/per diem.

   – Recipients must be U.S. citizens
   – Recipients must be enrolled in a university or
      be employed by an institution in the United States
      at the time of the workshop.

Individuals wishing to apply for this assistance must submit the electronic travel funding application form.

Interested individuals with questions are encouraged to contact Curt Neibur at [email protected] or 202-358-0390.




  For further information regarding the format and scientific objectives of the workshop, please contact the convener:
    NASA Headquarters
    Phone: 202-358-0390
    E-mail: [email protected]

Questions concerning meeting logistics should be addressed to the LPI meeting coordinator:
    Lunar and Planetary Institute
    Phone: 281-486-2143
    E-mail: [email protected]


Thursday, May 17, 2007, 5:00 p.m. CDTDeadline for abstract submission
July 3, 2007 Final announcement with program and
abstracts posted on this website
July 12, 2007 Deadline for registration at reduced rate
Deadline for hotel reservations at reduced rate
August 12, 2007 Welcome reception and registration at hotel
August 13–15, 2007 Workshop on Ices, Oceans, and Fire:
Satellites of the Outer Planets


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