| no. |
Effects of Shock-Loading on the Reflectance Spectra of Plagioclase, Pyroxene, and Glass
J. B. Adams, F. Horz, R. V. Gibbons
1001 |
Charged Particle Range Contraction in Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors
A. Aframian
1002 |
Monte Carlo Simulation of the Lunar Regolith and Implications
H. R. Aggarwal, V. R. Oberbeck
1003 |
Indicatrix Measurements of Lunar Samples from Landing Sites of Luna 24, Luna 16, and Luna 20
L. A. Akimov, I. I. Antipova-Karataeva, Tu. G. Shkuratov
1004 |
Host Phases of Neon-E and S-Process Xenon in the Murchison c2 Chondrite
L. Alaerts, R. S. Lewis, E. Anders
1005 |
Distribution of Bromine, Iodine, Barium, and Uranium in Four Lunar Soils
E. C. Alexander, M. R. Coscio, J. C. Dragon, K. Saito, R. O. Pepin
1006 |
Volcano/ice Interactions on Mars
C. C. Allen
1007 |
Olivine Vitrophyres in Apollo 14 Breccia 14321: Samples of the High MG Component of the Lunar Highlands
F. Allen, A. E. Bence, T. L. Grove
1008 |
Mineralogical Study of an Isotopically-Unusual Allende Inclusion
J. M. Allen, L. Grossman, T. Lee, G. J. Wasserburg
1009 |
Chondrule Rims: Composition and Texture
J. Allen, S. Nozette, L. L. Wilkening
1010 |
Core 15010/15011: Description and Units Based on Lithology of Fragments >1 MM
J. H. Allton
1011 |
The Olivine-Ilmenite Thermometer: Preliminary Data at 700-900 Degrees C
D. J. Andersen, D. H. Lindsley
1012 |
Are Early Magnesium-Rich Basalts Widespread on the Moon?
C. G. Andre, R. W. Wolfe, I. Adler
1013 |
Mare Basalt Depths from Orbital X-Ray Data
C. G. Andre, R. W. Wolfe, I. Adler, P. E. Clark
1014 |
On the Thermal Evolution of Venus
J. Arkani-Hamed, M. N. Toksoz
1015 |
Simulation Experiments of the Radiation Cooling of Lunar Glasses
J. Arndt
1016 |
Infrared Emission Spectra of Lunar Soils
J. R. Aronson, A. G. Emslie, E. M. Smith
1017 |
Mars Relative Altitudes from Shadows
D. W. G. Arthur
1018 |
Changes at the Viking Landing Sites Over Short and Long Time Scales
R. E. Arvidson, E. A. Guinness
1019 |
The First Finding of the Metal Aluminum Particles in the Lunar Soil
N. A. Ashikhmina, O. A. Bogatikov, A. I. Gorshkov, A. V. Mokhov, V. G. Obronov, D. I. Frikh-Khar
1020 |
Sylvite and Halite in the Lunar Soil
N. A. Ashikhmina, A. I. Gorshkov, A. V. Mokhov, V. G. Obronov
1021 |
Siderophile Element Fractionation in the Metal Phase of the Knyahinya Chondrite
P. A. Baedecker, J. W. Morgan, J. I. Goldstein
1022 |
Cavitation Processes in Martian Water Flows
V. R. Baker
1023 |
Streamlined Erosional Forms of Kasei and Maja Valles, Mars
V. R. Baker
1024 |
Distribution and Shock Metamorphism of Crystalline Clasts in the Continuous Deposits of the Ries Crater, Germany
G. Banholzer, F. Horz
1025 |
Volatile Trace Elements in Gas-Rich and Antarctic Meteorites
G. Bart, S. Biswas, N.-T. Hung, M. E. Lipschutz
1026 |
Craters of PHOBOS and Deimos: Photogeologic Study
A. T. Basilevsky, I. M. Chernaya
1027 |
Apollo 15 Soil Petrographic Provinces and the Plagioclase-Rich Paleosol
A. Basu, D. S. McKay
1028 |
Apollo 15 Green Glass Vitrophyres
A. Basu, C. H. Moore, N. R. Shaffer
1029 |
Effects of Diurnal Temperature Variations on Lunar Rocks
M. L. Batzle, G. Simmons
1030 |
Experimental Shock Metamorphism of Mono- and Polycrystalline Olivine: a Comparative Study
J. F. Bauer
1031 |
Comparative Petrology and Significance of the Apollo 11 High-K Vitrophyres
D. W. Beaty, S. M. R. Hill, A. L. Albee
1032 |
Low-K Basaltic Fragments from Apollo 11 Soils
D. W. Beaty, S. M. R. Hill, A. L. Albee
1033 |
Petrology of a New Rock Type from Apollo 11: Group D Basalts
D. W. Beaty, S. M. R. Hill, A. L. Albee
1034 |
Light Elements in Lunar Soils Revisited: Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and Helium
R. H. Becker
1035 |
Crystal-Field Spectra of Lunar Pyroxenes and Glasses: a Comparison of the Effects of Composition, Oxygen Fugacity, and Meteorite Impact
P. M. Bell, H. K. Mao
1036 |
Laboratory Partitioning Studies, Testing the Validity of 244PU-RARE Earth Chronology
T. A. Benjamin, J. H. Jones, D. S. Burnett
1037 |
The Governador Valadares Nakhlite and its Relationship to Other Nakhlites
J. L. Berkley, K. Keil, M. Prinz, C. G. Gomes
1038 |
Surface-Correlated Krypton and Xenon in Grain Size Separates from Breccia 14301
T. J. Bernatowicz, C. M. Hohenberg, F. A. Podosek
1039 |
Production Profiles of Radionuclides in Chondrites and Their Solar Cycle Variation
N. Bhandari, S. K. Bhattacharya, M. B. Potdar
1040 |
Meteorite Record of the Cosmic Rays during the Maunder Minimum Based on 39 AR
N. Bhandari, H. R. Prabhakara, T. Raman
1041 |
Classification of the Lunar Surface Using Orbital Altimetry, Geochemistry and Geology Data
M. J. Bielefeld
1042 |
Remote Sensing Chemistry of Geological Units
M. J. Bielefeld
1043 |
Planetary Isostasy: Topographic and Gravitational Variance Spectra for the Moon, Mars, Venus and Earth
B. G. Bills
1044 |
Devolatilization Mechanism for a Moon of Fission Origin
A. B. Binder
1045 |
Critical Review of the Limits for the Thermally Induced Radius Change of the Moon and Mercury
A. B. Binder, M. A. Lange
1046 |
A Model for the HFT Moonquakes Based on Thermoelastic Stresses in a Cooling Moon
A. B. Binder, M. A. Lange
1047 |
A Possible Source Mechanism for Tidal Moonquakes
A. B. Binder, R. Meissner
1048 |
Clasts from Consortium Breccia 73255; Remanents from the Early Lunar Crust?
D. P. Blanchard, J. R. Budahn
1049 |
Irradiation Stratigraphy in Double Drive Tube 60009/10
G. E. Blanford, J. A. Hawkins
1050 |
Erosion and Transport in Martian Outflow Channels
K. R. Blasius, J. A. Cutts
1051 |
40AR/39AR Studies and Cooling Rate Determinations of Heavily Shocked Chondrites
D. D. Bogard
1052 |
Noble Gases in 15010 Core Soils
D. D. Bogard
1053 |
Nonaxisymmetric Models of Collapsing, Rotating Protostars
A. P. Boss, S. J. Peale
1054 |
Emplacement of Permafrost Ice Layers in Young Martian Terranes: Evidence from Impact Craters
J. M. Boyce
1055 |
Compositional Differentiation in Planetary Flood Basalts
J. C. Brannon, L. A. Haskin, J. C. Green
1056 |
The Effect of Strain Rate on the Stiffness and Compressive Strength of Lunar Analogues
N. S. Brodsky, J. C. Getting, H. A. Spetzler
1057 |
Meteorite Mining on the Ocean Floor
D. E. Brownlee, L. B. Pilachowski, P. W. Hodge
1058 |
Calculational Comparisons of Explosion and Impact Cratering in Two-Dimensions Using Barringer Crater as a Phototype
J. B. Bryan, D. E. Burton, L. A. Lettis
1059 |
Particle-Track Record of Some Antarctic Achondrites
R. K. Bull, S. A. Durrani
1060 |
Thermal Metamorphism (SHOCK?) and Hydrothermal Alteration in C3V Meteorites
T. E. Bunch, S. Chang
1061 |
How much are Early Terrestrial Anorthosites Analogues of Lunar Anorthosites?
K. Burke
1062 |
Open Circuited Coaxial Resonator for High Sensitivity Dielectric Measurementsapplication to Lunar Soil 70051-20
H. E. Bussey
1063 |
Martian Lavas - Reconnaissance Experiments on a Model Ferro-Picrite Composition
G. Bussod, T. R. McGetchin
1064 |
Spectral Reflectance Images of Lunar Cores: New Resources
P. Butler, A. Goldberg, C. Pieters, S. Waltz, S. Nagle
1065 |
Sm-Nd Study of Pristine KREEP Basalt 15386
R. W. Carlson, G. W. Lugmair
1066 |
Evolutions of the Fluxes of Planet-Crossing Objects due to Planetary Close Encounters
A. Carusi, G. B. Valsecchi
1067 |
Runaway Tidal Heating of IO
P. Cassen, S. J. Peale, R. T. Reynolds
1068 |
Similitude Requirements in Model Meteoritic Impact Experiments
A. J. Chabai
1069 |
A Thermal Evolution Model for the Moon
S. Chacko, J.-Cl. de Bremaecker
1070 |
Sub-Kilometer Lunar Craters: Origins, Ages, Processes of Degradation, and Implications for Mare Basalt Petrogenesis
C. R. Chapman, J. C. Aubele, W. J. Roberts, J. A. Cutts
1071 |
Preliminary Studies of Uranium Isotopic Composition in Chondritic Meteorites
J. H. Chen, G. R. Tilton
1072 |
Lead Isotope Systematics of Three Taurus-Littrow Mare Basalts
J. H. Chen, G. R. Tilton, J. M. Mattinson
1073 |
Apollo 15 Deep Drill Core: Trace Element and Metallic Iron Abundances in Size Fractions of Sample 15002,170
C.-L. Chou, G. W. Pearce
1074 |
The Activity of H2O in Supercritical Fluids: H20-CO2 at 600 Degrees and 700 Degrees at Elevated Pressures
I.-M. Chou, R. J. Williams
1075 |
Mercurian Crater Rim Heights and Some Interplanetary Comparisons
M. J. Cintala, J. W. Head
1076 |
Characteristics of the Cratering Process on Icy Bodies: Implications for Outer Planet Satellites
M. J. Cintala, E. M. Parmentier, J. W. Head
1077 |
Scanning Auger Microporbe and Atomic Absorption Studies of Lunar Volcanic Volatiles
E. H. Cirlin, R. M. Housley
1078 |
Hypervelocity Impact Craters Less than 1000 Angstroms Diameter
U. S. Clanton, D. A. Morrison
1079 |
Chemical Analyses of Martian Surface Materials: Status Report
B. C. Clark, A. K. Baird
1080 |
Primitive Troilite
D. D. Clayton
1081 |
Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Some Antarctic Meteorites
R. N. Clayton, T. K. Mayeda, N. Onama
1082 |
Dynamic Tensile Strength of Analogs to Lunar Rocks
S. N. Cohn, T. J. Ahrens
1083 |
Origin of Outer Rings around Lunar Basins
R. L. Cole, R. A. de Hon
1084 |
Miniregoliths and Monte-Carlo Modeling
G. M. Comstock
1085 |
Evidence for Early Volcanism in Mare Smythii
J. Conca, N. Hubbard
1086 |
The Nucleosynthesis Components of Isotopic Anomalies in Allende Inclusions
G. J. Consolmagno, A. G. W. Cameron
1087 |
On Protoplanets Formation via Gravitational Instabilities in a "dusty" Solar Nebula
A. Coradini, G. Magni, C. Federico
1088 |
Results of the Examination of the Skylab/apollo Windows for Micrometeoroid Impacts
B. G. Cour-Palais
1089 |
Viscosities and Nucleation Behaviors in the System Albite-Anorthite
D. Cranmer, C. A. Handwerker, R. Salomaa, H. Yinnon, D. R. Uhlmann
1090 |
Interplanetary Basin Ring Spacing: Consequence of Gravity VS. Strength Scaling?
S. K. Croft
1091 |
Proportional VS. Non-Proportional Growth of Basin-Sized Cavities: a Reconciliation
S. K. Croft
1092 |
Amino Acids in the Allan Hills, Antarctica C-2 Carbonaceous Chondrite ALHA77306
J. R. Cronin, S. Pizzarello, C. B. Moore
1093 |
Nuclear Particle Tracks and the Depositional and Irradiation Histories of the Apollo 17 Deep Drill Core
G. Crozaz, L. Ross
1094 |
Martian Outflow Channels: Quantitative Comparison of Erosive Capacities for Eolian and Fluvial Models
J. A. Cutts, K. R. Blasius
1095 |
Sulphur Solubility in Mare Basalts
P. A. Danckwerth, P. C. Hess, M. J. Rutherford
1096 |
Lunar Multispectral Imaging at 2.25UM: a New Technique and First Results
D. Davies, T. V. Johnson, D. L. Matson
1097 |
Collisional Physics and the Dynamical Evolution of Populations
D. R. Davis
1098 |
Iron and Titanium Distribution on the Lunar Surface as Determined by Matrix Inversion of Gamma-Ray Orbital Data
P. A. Davis, J. R. Arnold
1099 |
Structural Model of the Imbrium Basin
R. A. de Hon
1100 |
Thickness of the Western Mare Basalt
R. A. de Hon
1101 |
Mn/fe/mg Distribution Between Silicate Minerals from Upper-Mantle Peridotites: Complexities in Garnet/clinopyroxene Mn/mg Thermometer: Significance of Fe/mn Ratio in Meteorites and Moon
J. S. Delaney, R. L. Hervig, C. A. Leitch, I. M. Steele, J. V. Smith
1102 |
Hydrous Minerals in Earth's Upper Mantle: Storage of Alkali Metals and Halogens: Speculations on Venus and Mars
J. S. Delaney, R. L. Hervig, J. V. Smith, J. B. Dawson, D. A. Carswell
1103 |
Petrologic Heterogeneity in the Uppr Mantle of the Earth: Barren and Fertile Harzburgites: Mantle Section at Malaita. Solomon Islands: Implications for Venus and Mars
J. S. Delaney, R. L. Hervig, J. V. Smith, J. B. Dawson, P. H. Nixon
1104 |
Chemistry and Possible Origin of the Apollo 15 Green Glass
J. W. Delano, A. E. Ringwood
1105 |
"pristine" Highland Rocks: a Critical Evaluation
J. W. Delano, A. E. Ringwood
1106 |
The Formation of Complex Impact Structures
M. R. Dence, R. A. F. Grieve
1107 |
Vacuum Electroplating on the Surface of IO
A. J. Dessler, T. W. Hill
1108 |
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Soil 74220
Yu. P. Dikov, O. A. Bogatikov, V. L. Barsukov, K. P. Florensky, A. V. Ivanov, V. V. Nemoshkalenko, V. G. Alyoshin
1109 |
Some Features of Pyroxenes and Plagioclases...
Yu. P. Dikov, O. A. Bogatikov, I. A. Brytov
1110 |
Remote Sensing of TIO2 on Planets and Satellites
A. Dollfus, A. Cailleux, C. T. Hoa
1111 |
40AR-39AR Dating of Murchison, Allende and Leoville Whole Rock Samples
B. Dominik, E. K. Jessberger
1112 |
The Predicted Irradiation Record of Asteroidal Regolith and the Origin of Gas-Rich Meteorites
J. C. Dran, J. P. Duraud, Y. Langevin, M. Maurette
1113 |
A Preliminary Microanalysis of the Berkeley Gas-Rich Allende Residue
J. C. Dran, J. Klossa, M. Maurette
1114 |
On the Chemical Composition of the Moon and the Eucrite Parent Body and a Comparison with the Composition of the Earth; the Case of mn, cr, and V
G. Dreibus, H. Wanke
1115 |
Electrical Conductivity of Aluminous Orthopyroxene
A. Duba, M. Dennison, A. J. Irving, C. R. Thornber, J. S. Huebner
1116 |
The Distribution of zr and nb Between Diopside and Coexisting Silicate Melt
J. T. Dunn, I. S. McCallum
1117 |
An Analytical Model for the Regolith Evolution of Small Bodies in the Solar System
J. P. Duraud, Y. Langevin, M. Maurette
1118 |
The Viking Imagery, the Early History of the Martian Satellites, and the Accretionary Tail
J. P. Duraud, Y. Langevin, M. Maurette
1119 |
Analysis of Small Scale Lunar Gravity Anomalies: Implications for Crustal History
J. Dvorak, R. J. Phillips
1120 |
Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies Associated with Volcanic Regions on the Moon
J. Dvorak, R. J. Phillips
1121 |
Mare Serenitatis Conductivity Anomaly Detected by Apollo 16 and Lunokhod 2 Magnetometers
P. Dyal, L. L. Vanyan, W. D. Daily
1122 |
Effects of Static Oxygen Burning
M. Dzizkaniec, D. Heymann
1123 |
Neon-E New Limits for Isotopic Composition. Two Host Phases?
P. Eberhardt, M. H. A. Jungck, F. O. Meier, F. Niederer
1124 |
Studies on the Role of CO2 and CO in Magma Genesis in Planetary Interiors
D. H. Eggler
1125 |
Consortium Breccia 73255: Preliminary 39Ar-40Ar Laser Dating of Aphanite Samples
G. Eichhorn, O. B. James, J. J. McGee, O. A. Schaeffer
1126 |
Eolian Landforms in Southwestern Egypt: Implications for Surface Processes on Mars
F. El-Baz, T. A. Maxwell
1127 |
Some Unique Textural Features of Spinels in Allende Cais: a Possible Key Evidence for the Formational History in the Solar Nebula
A. El Goresy, K. Nagel, P. Ramdohr
1128 |
Crystallization Behaviour of Ilmenite in Lunar Rocks of Endogenic and Impact Origin
W. von Engelhardt
1129 |
MG Isotopic Composition of Some Interplanetary Dust Grains
T. M. Esat, D. E. Brownlee, D. A. Papanastassiou, G. J. Wasserburg
1130 |
The Trials and Tribulations of 26AL: Evidence for Disturbed Systems
T. M. Esat, D. A. Papanastassiou, G. J. Wasserburg
1131 |
Implications of an In-Depth Study of Light Noble Gases in Plagioclases of Highland Soil 61501
Ph. Etique, H. Funk, P. Horn, P. Signer
1132 |
History of Black and Orange Soil from Drive Tubes 74001 and 74002
O. Eugster, P. Eberhardt, J. Geiss, N. Grogler
1133 |
Comparison of Viking Lander Multispectral Images and Laboratory Reflectance Spectra of Terrestrial Samples
D. L. Evans, J. B. Adams
1134 |
Non-Destructive 26 AL Measurements on Antarctic Meteorites
J. C. Evans, L. A. Rancitelli
1135 |
Silicate Inclusions in Weekeroo Station: Planetary Differentiates
N. M. Evensen, P. J. Hamilton, G. E. Harlow, R. Klimentidis, R. K. O'Nions, M. Prinz
1136 |
Studies of the Hydrolysable Carbon and Finely Divided Iron in Separates from Highland Soil 68501
A. E. Fallick, L. R. Caroliner, A. J. T. Jull, C. T. Pillinger
1137 |
Some Peculiarities of Geochemistry of Impactites of Janisjarvi, S-W Karelia, and Kara, Polar Ural, Astroblemes
V. I. Feldman, L. B. Granovsky, L. V. Sazaonova, N. N. Nikishina, T. G. Butenko, I. G. Naumova
1138 |
CARBON-14 in Lunar Samples and in Stony Meteorites
E. L. Fireman
1139 |
Modelling of Metallic Stalks Growth in Vacuum by the Vls-Growth Mechanism
A. V. Fisenko, A. K. Lavrukhina
1140 |
Major Element and Petrographic Correlations in the Silicate Portions of Mesosiderites
R. J. Floran
1141 |
Microcharacterization of "brownlee" Particles: Features which Distinguish Interplanetary Dust from Meteorites?
P. Fraundorf, J. Shirck
1142 |
Bonding and Reactions during Accretion of Ordinary Chondrites: I. Bjurbole
K. Fredriksson, A. F. Noonan, J. Nelen, R. H. Beauchamp
1143 |
Phreatic Eruptions on Mars
H. V. Frey, S. A. Chase, B. Lowry
1144 |
Large Impact Basins on Mercury: Implications for Relative Crater Production Rates
H. V. Frey, B. L. Lowry
1145 |
Noble Gas Fractionation during Synthesis of Carbonaceous Matter
U. Frick, R. Mack, S. Chang
1146 |
History of the Apollo 17 Deep Drill String during the Past Few Million Years
J. S. Fruchter, L. A. Rancitelli, R. W. Perkins
1147 |
Planetary Cratering: Statistical Recognition of Secondary Crater Fields
M. Fulchignoni, M. Poscolieri
1148 |
The NRM of Certain Mare Basalts and the Intensity of the Fields in which NRM was Acquired
M. Fuller, E. Meshkov, S. Cisowski
1149 |
Equation of State of Ice and Frozen Soils
E. S. Gaffney
1150 |
The Effect of Kinetics on Crystal-Liquid Partitioning in Augite
R. P. Gamble, L. A. Taylor
1151 |
Tsunami Generation by Pelagic Planetoid Impact
D. E. Gault, C. P. Sonett, J. A. Wedekind
1152 |
Inorganic Gas Anaylsis of Phenocrysts and Glass from Apollo 12 Basalts 12009 and 12075
E. K. Gibson, F. F. Andrawes, D. G. Graham, J. R. Delaney
1153 |
A Survey of Carbon and Sulfur Abundances in Antarctic Meteorites
E. K. Gibson, J. Karsten, K. Yanai
1154 |
Topographic Effects on Slumped Craters in the Lunar Highlands
A. W. Gifford, T. A. Maxwell
1155 |
The Lunar Interior: a Summary Report
N. R. Goins, M. N. Toksoz, A. M. Dainty
1156 |
Mercury: Supply and Loss Rates of Atmospheric HE
B. E. Goldstein, S. T. Suess
1157 |
Refractory and Siderophile Element Variations among Chondrules: Evidence for Primary Compositional Differences
J. L. Gooding, T. Fukuoka, K. Keil, R. A. Schmitt
1158 |
Mineralogy and Petrology of the Chervony Kut Eucrite
J. L. Gooding, M. Prinz, K. Keil
1159 |
A Scenario for the Formation of the Carbonaceous Chondrites Based on Cosmogenic Clues
J. N. Goswamin, D. Lal
1160 |
Depositional History of the Apollo 17 Deep Drill Core Based on Particle Track Records
J. N. Goswami, D. Lal
1161 |
Adsorption of CO and n2 by Samples with Large Surface Area
D. G. Graham, D. W. Muenow, E. K. Gibson
1162 |
A Study of Biotites from Allogene Breccia of Impact Crater Janisjarvi
L. B. Granovsky, V. I. Fel'Dman, N. N. Nikishina, L. V. Sazonova, T. V. Malysheva, N. P. Polyakova, A. T. Basilevsky
1163 |
Mars: Preliminary Estimates of Rates of Wind Erosion Based on Laboratory Simulations
R. Greeley, S. Williams
1164 |
Compositional and Petrographic Constraints on the Origin of Chainpur Chondrules
J. N. Grossman, A. Kracher, J. T. Wasson
1165 |
An Experimental Calibration of Submicroscopic Textures in Lunar Pyroxenes: a Transmission Electron Microscope Study
T. L. Grove
1166 |
An Experimental Study of the Crystallization of Pyroxferroite
T. L. Grove, D. H. Lindsley
1167 |
The Partitioning of fe, mg, and CA Between Pigeonite and Liquid
T. L. Grove, D. H. Lindsley
1168 |
A Comparison of Nucleation and Growth Behavior in Experimental and Lunar Quartz Normative Systems
T. L. Grove, G. E. Lofgren
1169 |
Elgygytgyn Impact Crater, Chucotka: Shock Metamorphsim of Volcanic Rocks
E. P. Gurov, A. A. Valter, E. P. Gurova, F. I. Kotlovskaya
1170 |
Magnetite-Sulfide Complexes in the Allende Meteorite
S. E. Haggerty, B. M. McMahon
1171 |
Antarctic Meteorites: Petrology and Chemistry of 77001, 77002, and 77299
S. E. Haggerty, S. B. Simon, J. M. Rhodes
1172 |
The Variation of Iron Concentration in the Lunar Highlands
E. L. Haines, A. E. Metzger
1173 |
Central Peaks in Lunar Craters: Morphology and Morphometry
W. Hale, J. W. Head
1174 |
Chronology and Chemistry of Parnallee (LL-3) Chondrules
P. J. Hamilton, N. M. Evenson, R. K. O'Nions
1175 |
Minor Elements in Plagioclase and Mafic Minerals from Lunar Plagioclase-Rich Rocks
E. C. Hansen, I. M. Steele, J. V. Smith
1176 |
Are M-Type Asteroids Metal Cores? Evidence from Lightcurve Data
A. W. Harris
1177 |
A New Class of Planetesimal Collisions and a Possible Confirmation
W. K. Hartmann
1178 |
Silicate "fog" from Lunar Impact Cratering Events
J. B. Hartung
1179 |
Helium, Neon, and Argon on an Exposed Lunar Surface by Laser Probe Mass Spectrometry
J. B. Hartung, G. Eichhorn, H. W. Muller, O. A. Schaeffer
1180 |
Impact Melt Volumes Associated with Lunar Craters
B. R. Hawke, J. W. Head
1181 |
Multispectral Mapping of the Apollo 15-APENNINE Region: the Identification Distribution, and Characterization of Regional Pyroclastic Deposits
B. R. Hawke, D. Maclasky, T. B. McCord
1182 |
Lava Flooding of Early Planetary Crusts: Geometry, Thickness, and Volumes of Flooded Impact Basins
J. W. Head
1183 |
Lava Flooding of Early Planetary Crusts: Geometry Thickness, and Volumes of Flooded Lunar Highland Terrain
J. W. Head
1184 |
Serenitatis Multi-Ringed Basin: Regional Geology and Basin Ring Interpretation
J. W. Head
1185 |
Alphonsus-Type Dark-Halo Craters: Morphology, Morphometry, and Eruption Conditions
J. W. Head, L. Wilson
1186 |
Archean Ultramafic Pyroclastic Deposits: the Use of Lunar Deposits to Resolve Some Terrestrial Problems
G. Heiken
1187 |
Secular Resonances and the Origin of Eccentricities of Mars and the Asteroids
T. A. Heppenheimer
1188 |
Electromagnetic Thermal Evolution in the Early Solar System
F. Herbert, C. P. Sonett
1189 |
Identification of Pristine Lunar Highland Rocks: Criteria Based on Mineral Chemistry and Stability
C. T. Herzberg
1190 |
Solubility of Olivine in Lunar and Eucritic Basalts: an Ionic Model
C. T. Herzberg
1191 |
The Composition and Origin of Metal in Howardites
R. H. Hewins
1192 |
The Pyroxene Chemistry of Four Mesosiderites
R. H. Hewins
1193 |
Isotopic Compositions of Xenon from Explosive Carbon Burning: a Global Look
D. Heymann, M. Dzizkaniec
1194 |
184 OS/190 OS from Supernovae
D. Heymann, M. Dzizkaniec
1195 |
Effects of Orbit Recession of the Moon on the Escape of Materials from the Lunar Surface
R. R. Hodges
1196 |
A Material Strength Model for Apparent Crater Volume
K. A. Holsapple, R. M. Schmidt
1197 |
A Study of Lunar Nearside Magnetic Anomalies
L. L. Hood, P. J. Coleman
1198 |
Loose and Compacted Soils: Two Basic Units Composing the Martian Surface?
K.-I. Horai
1199 |
Near-Surface Shear Wave Velocities at the Apollo Landing Sites
P. Horvath, G. V. Latham, H. J. Dorman
1200 |
The Transient Cavity of the Ries-Crater Germany
F. Horz, R. Ostertag
1201 |
Glass Production in Massive Versus Porous Basalt
F. Horz, R. B. Schaal
1202 |
Predicting Major Element Mineral/melt Equilibria
C. J. Hostetler, M. J. Drake
1203 |
A Comparison of Regolith Evolution on Asteroids and the Moon
K. R. Housen, R. Greenberg, C. R. Chapman, L. L. Wilkening
1204 |
Early Irradiation of Asteroidal Material: an Absorbing Problem
K. R. Housen, L. L. Wilkening
1205 |
X-Ray Photoemission Studies of the Surface Composition of Lunar Impact Glass Samples Including 12054
R. M. Housley, R. W. Grant
1206 |
On the Bounds of the Heat Production Rate Within the Moon
A. T. Hsui
1207 |
The Diverse AL Concentrations of Mare Basalts
N. Hubbard
1208 |
An Error Analysis of Orbital X-Ray Fluorescence Data
N. Hubbard, J. E. Keith
1209 |
Mars: Possible Occurrence of Near-Surface Liquid H2O Brines in the SOLIS Lacus Region (-25 Degrees, 85 Degrees)
R. L. Huguenin
1210 |
Sliva IZ Piroga: K/ar Evidence from Luna 20 Rocks for Lunar Differentiation Prior to 4.51 AE ago
J. C. Huneke, G. J. Wasserburg
1211 |
a Three-Pyroxene Achondrite from Allan Hills, Antarctica dn its Pyroxene Geothermometry
T. Ishii, H. Takeda, K. Yanai
1212 |
Luna 24 Regolith Core: Magnetic Susceptibility as a Stratigraphy Indicator
A. V. Ivanov, E. S. Gorshkov
1213 |
On the Problem of Central Mounds/peaks Formation in Impact Craters: Observations and Simulation
B. A. Ivanov, A. T. Basilevsky
1214 |
The Abundances of Major, Minor and Trace Elements in the Earth's Mantle as Derived from Primitive Ultramafic Nodules
E. Jagoutz, H. Palme, H. Baddenhausen, K. Blum, M. Cendales, G. Dreibus, B. Spettel, V. Lorenz, H. Wanke
1215 |
The History of an Atmosphere of Impact Origin
B. M. Jakosky, T. J. Ahrens
1216 |
Consortium Breccia 73255: Genesis and History of Two Coarse-Grained "norite" Clasts
O. B. James, J. J. McGee
1217 |
Ringwoodite: Complex Aggregate Misidentified as a High-Pressure Spinel Structure
R. Jeanloz
1218 |
Equation of State of Lunar Anorthosite and Anorthite, Criteria for Impact Melting and Vaporization
T. Ahrens, R. Jeanloz
1219 |
Ancient Pink-Spinel Troctolitic Basalt in Apollo 17 Breccia 73215
E. K. Jessberger
1220 |
Further K-Ar Ages of Allende Inclusions
E. K. Jessberger, B. Dominik
1221 |
Inert Gases in Apollo 17 Soils
J. L. Jordan, S. Lakatos, D. Heymann
1222 |
CL and P2O5 in Mineral Separates from a Lunar Basalt
S. Jovanovic, G. W. Reed
1223 |
Lunar Regolith Evolution: a Low-Temperature Volatile-Element Perspective
S. Jovanovic, G. W. Reed
1224 |
Trace Elements in Allende Carbon-Residue Related Phases-A Contamination Control Experiment
S. Jovanovic, G. W. Reed
1225 |
Ion Microprobe Study of Sputtering Rates of Minerals
A. J. T. Jull, G. C. Wilson, J. V. P. Long, S. J. B. Reed, C. T. Pillinger
1226 |
Unusual Chondritic Meteorites Anc Clasts: Elemental Fractionations and Relationships to the Carbonaceous Chondrite Groups
G. W. Kallemeyn, J. T. Wasson
1227 |
Relative Velocities of Planetesimals
W. M. Kaula
1228 |
Comparison of Theoretical and Observed Microwave Brightness Temperature Maps of the Moon
S. J. Keihm, B. L. Gary
1229 |
Evidence of 107PD in the Early Solar System
W. R. Kelly, G. J. Wasserburg
1230 |
Fractionation of Refractory Elements in Chondritic Meteorites
J. F. Kerridge
1231 |
Carbon, 13C, N and he in Grain Size Fractions Sieved in Liquid Argon
J. F. Kerridge, I. R. Kaplan
1232 |
The Role of Volatiles in the Cratering Process
S. W. Kieffer, C. H. Simonds
1233 |
Solar Wind Noble Gas Distribution in Lunar Ilmenites and Correlated Element Fractionation
J. Kiko, M. Warhaut, T. Kirsten
1234 |
Provenance of Metal and Melt Rock Textures in the Bununu Howardite
L. C. Klein, R. H. Hewins
1235 |
Element Distributions among Spinel and Ilmenite Phases in the Systems FEO-CR2O3-TIO2, FEO-AL203-TIO2 and FEO-MGO-TIO2
B. Knecht, E. Woermann, A. El Goresy
1236 |
Characterization of the Basic Types of Lunar Highland Breccias by Quantitative Textural Analysis
H.-D. Knoll, D. Stoffler
1237 |
Iron Group Cosmic Ray Tracks in the Allende Olivines-Evidence of Complex Exposure History
N. N. Korotkova, A. K. Lavrukhina, V. P. Perelygin
1238 |
Laser Vaporization of Chondrites
B. K. Kothari, J. Herndon
1239 |
Noble Gass Trapping during Condensation: a Laboratory Study
B. K. Kothari, K. Marti, S. Niemeyer, S. Regnier, J. R. Stephens
1240 |
Re-Examination of the Lunar Seismic Velocity Structure Based on the Complete Data Set
J. Koyama, Y. Nakamura
1241 |
Trace and Major Elements in Grain Size Fractions of Two Strata of Drive Tube 74001
U. Krahenbuhl, H. R. von Gunten, D. Jost, G. Meyer, F. Wegmuller
1242 |
The Apollo 17 Drill Core. Part II: Comparative Modal Petrology of the >20 Micrometer and 20-10 Micrometer Size Fractions
T. C. Labotka, D. T. Vaniman, J. J. Papike, S. Simon
1243 |
Estimation of Shock Pressure in Minerals of Shocked Rocks
P. Lambert
1244 |
Impact Activity at the Present Surface of the Moon
M. A. Lange, T. J. Ahrens
1245 |
Impact Melting during the First 1.5 B.Y. of Lunar History
M. A. Lange, T. J. Ahrens
1246 |
Refractory Element Fractionation
J. W. Larimer
1247 |
Chemical Study of Size Fractions of Apollo 17 Deep Drill Cores 70005, 70004, and 70003
J. C. Laul
1248 |
On Results of Investigation of Pre-Atmospheric Sizes and Orbits of Meteorites
A. K. Lavrukhina, G. K. Ustinova
1249 |
The Intercrater Plains of Mercury
M. A. Leake
1250 |
A New Member of the "fun" Family
T. Lee, W. A. Russell, G. J. Wasserburg
1251 |
Minor Elements in Pallasites: Zoning in Springwater Olivine
C. A. Leitch, I. M. Steele, I. D. Hutcheon, J. V. Smith
1252 |
On the Core of the Moon
B. J. Levin
1253 |
Dynamo Amplification of Ambiant Magnetic Fields
E. H. Levy
1254 |
Ferrichromite: a Major Host Phase of Isotopically Anomalous Noble Gases in Primitive Meteorites
R. S. Lewis, L. Alaerts, E. Anders
1255 |
Isotopic Anomalies in the Orgueil Meteorite: Neon-E S-Process xe, and Ccfxe
R. S. Lewis, L. Alaerts, E. Anders
1256 |
Observations of Regions of Strong Surface Magnetic Field in the Lunar Mare
R. P. Lin
1257 |
Electrochemical Characteristics of Molten Lunar Basalt Analogs
D. J. Lindstrom, L. A. Haskin
1258 |
The Effect of Nucleation Kinetics on the Composition of Pyroxene Grown in Cooling Experiments on Apollo 15 Quartz Normative Basalts
G. E. Lofgren, R. W. Brown, D. P. Smith, T. L. Grove
1259 |
Pyroxene Liquidus Fields in Basaltic Liquids
J. Longhi, A. E. Boudreau
1260 |
REE in the Magma Ocean: Magma Mixing; the Anorthosite Trend
J. Longhi, A. E. Boudreau
1261 |
Refractory Oxide, Titanate, Niobate, and Silicate Accessory Mineralogy of Some Type B Ca-Al Inclusions in the Allende Meteorite
J. F. Lovering, D. A. Wark, D. K. B. Sewell
1262 |
Mare Elevations and Ages
B. K. Lucchitta, J. M. Boyce
1263 |
Ridges and Scarps in the Equatorial Belt of Mars
B. K. Lucchitta, J. L. Klockenbrink
1264 |
A Chemical Review of the Various Types of Lunar Low K Basalt
M.-S. Ma, R. A. Schmitt
1265 |
Chemistry of Lithic Fragments from the Apollo 17 Drill Sections 70004 and 70006-I
M.-S. Ma, R. A. Schmitt
1266 |
Chemistry of a New Type of Apollo 11 Low-K Mare Basalt
M.-S. Ma, R. A. Schmitt
1267 |
Luna 16 Basalts and Breccias: New Chemical and Petrologic Data
M.-S. Ma, R. A. Schmitt, R. L. Neilsen, R. D. Warner, G. J. Taylor, K. Keil
1268 |
Composition, Petrography, and Genesis of Apollo 17 High-Ti Mare Basalts
M.-S. Ma, R. A. Schmitt, R. D. Warner, G. J. Taylor, K. Keil
1269 |
High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of the Murchison Carbonaceous Chondrite and the Kenna Ureilite
I. D. R. MacKinnon, P. R. Buseck
1270 |
Preliminary Results on the Petrography and Rb-Sr Isotope Geochemistry of the Lappajarvi Impact Melt
U. Maerz, W. U. Reimold, D. Stoffler
1271 |
Geology of Venus
M. C. Malin
1272 |
To the Problem of the Origin of Enstatite Chondrites
T. V. Malysheva, K. I. Tobelko, D. A. Khramov, O. A. Matveeva
1273 |
The Edge of the Early Solar System: Source Region for Isotopic Anomalies in Meteorites
S. H. Margolis, S. W. Falk, D. N. Schramm
1274 |
Relative Ages of Martian Volcanic Centers Channels and Uplands Compared with the Moon, Mercury, PHOBOS and Deimos
H. Masursky, A. L. Dial, M. E. Strobell
1275 |
Collisional Evolution of Mass-Distribution Spectrum of Planetesimals II
T. Matsui
1276 |
Fluvial Landforms in Southwestern Egypt: Implications for Surface Processes on Mars
T. A. Maxwell, F. El-Baz
1277 |
The Mercury Soil: Presence of fe 2
T. B. McCord, R. N. Clark
1278 |
Newly Defined IR Electronic Absorption Features in Telescopic Reflectance Spectra: the Lunar Case
T. B. McCord, R. N. Clark, L. A. McFadden, C. Pieters
1279 |
Kinetic Isotope Fractionation in Interstellar Medium Upper Atmosphere and Meteorites, Inferred from Model Experiments
J. L. McCrumb, N. Friedman, R. Fitzgerald, G. Arrhenius
1280 |
Luna Core Spherules: Microparticle Impact Crater and Accreta Populations as Indicators of the Past Surface Environment
J. A. M. McDonnell, R. J. Allison
1281 |
Regolith Maturity at the Apollo 15 Site
D. S. McKay, A. Basu, G. Waits
1282 |
The Kreep-Magma Ocean Connection
G. McKay, H. Wiesmann, B. Bansal
1283 |
Matrix Materials of Carbonaceous Chondrites
T. R. McKee, C. B. Moore, S. Chang
1284 |
Matrix Variations in CM Chondrites
H. Y. McSween
1285 |
Petrogenesis of the Allan Hills 77005 Achondrite
H. Y. McSween, L. A. Taylor, E. Stolper, R. A. Muntean, G. D. O'Kelley, J. S. Eldridge
1286 |
Analytical Electron Microscopy Study of Submicroscopic Metal Particles in Glassy Constituents of 15015 and 60095 Lunar Breccias
S. Mehta, J. I. Goldstein
1287 |
Submicron Sized Metal Particles in Glass Coatings of Lunar Breccia 15286
S. Mehta, J. I. Goldstein, J. J. Friel
1288 |
Viscosity Limits and Possible Origin of Tidal Moonquakes
R. Meissner, J. Voss
1289 |
Thermoluminescence Measurements of Antarctic Meteorites
C. L. Melcher
1290 |
The Thickness of the Ancient Lunar Lithosphere
H. J. Melosh
1291 |
Theoretical and Experimental Study of Crater Collapse
H. J. Melsoh, W. B. McKinnon
1292 |
Thorium Concentrations in the Apenninus Region of the Moon
A. E. Metzger, E. L. Haines
1293 |
A Comparison of Mare Surface Chemistry Obtained by Spectral Reflectance and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
A. E. Metzger, T. V. Johnson, D. L. Matson, J. R. Arnold
1294 |
Grain-Size Distribution and Origin of Trace and Major Elements in Agglutinates and Minerals of Soil 75080
G. Meyer, H. R. von Gunten, A. Grutter, D. Jost, U. Krahenbuhl, F. Wegmuller
1295 |
Thermal Models of Asteroids
J. W. Minear, G. Clow, C. R. Fletcher
1296 |
The Nature of Asteroidal Differentiation Processes
D. W. Mittlefehldt
1297 |
Eucritic Polymict Breccias from Allan Hills and Yamato Mountains, Antarctica
M. Miyamoto, H. Takeda, K. Yanai
1298 |
Extinct Plutonium in the Phosphates of the Olivenza Chondrite
P. Mold, R. K. Bull, S. A. Durrani
1299 |
Siderophile and Volatile Trace Elements in Breccias 73215 and 73255, and in Core 74001
J. W. Morgan, R. K. Petrie
1300 |
Terrestrial Upper Mantle: Siderophile and Volatile Trace Element Abundances
J. W. Morgan, G. A. Wandless
1301 |
Feo and Surface Exposure (maturity) Depth Profiles for the Apollo 11 Cores 10004 and 10005 and the Apollo 14 Cores 14211 and 14230
R. V. Morris, H. V. Lauer
1302 |
Feo and Surface Exposure (maturity) Depth Profles of Cores 15010/11 (hadley Rille) and 76001 (north Massif)
R. V. Morris, H. V. Lauer
1303 |
Depositional and Exposure History of the Apollo 17 Deep Drill Core
R. V. Morris, H. V. Lauer, W. A. Gose
1304 |
Melt Water Generation on Mars as a Product of the Thermal Evolution of Ejecta Blankets
P. J. Mouginis-Mark
1305 |
Emplacment of Martian Rampart Crater Ejecta Blankets: a Morphological Analysis
P. J. Mouginis-Mark, J. W. Head
1306 |
Photoclinometric Measurements of Mercurian Landforms
P. J. Mouginis-Mark, L. Wilson
1307 |
Model of the Earth's Accretive Differentiation
L. M. Mukhin, M. V. Gerasimov, Yu. P. Dikov
1308 |
Chemical Trends in the Abundances of Potassium, Thorium, and Uranium in Calcium-Rich Achondrites
R. A. Muntean, G. D. O'Kelley, J. S. Eldridge
1309 |
M. T. Murrell, K. Nishiizumi, J. R. Arnold
1310 |
High Temperature Heating of the Allende Meteorite II. Fractionation of the Rare Earth Elements
H. Nagasawa, N. Onuma
1311 |
Magnetic Properties and Paleointensity of Achondrites in Comparison with those of Lunar Surface Rocks
T. Nagata
1312 |
Did Long-Term Continuous Accumulation Form 76001?
J. S. Nagle
1313 |
Preliminary Description and Interpretation of Apollo 14 CORES.14211/10
J. S. Nagle
1314 |
Sedimentary Petrology of the Apollo 17 Deep Drill String
J. S. Nagle, S. R. Waltz
1315 |
Shallow Moonquakes: Depth, Distribution and Implications as to the Present State of the Lunar Interior
Y. Nakamura, G. V. Latham, H. J. Dorman, A. K. Ibrahim, J. Koyama, P. Horvath
1316 |
Iron Phosphates in Metal Particle 2004-0I6 from Luna 20 Sample
M. A. Nazarov, L. S. Tarasov, A. V. Ivanov, I. D. Shevaleevsky
1317 |
Olivine Coronas in Mesosiderites: Implications and Petrogenesis
C. E. Nehru, J. W. Snellenburg, S. Zucker, M. Prinz
1318 |
Surface Ages of Martian Shield Volcanoes and Channels
G. Neukum, K. Hiller, J. Henkel, J. Bodechtel
1319 |
Metal Depletion in the Eucrites: Evidence for a Core or for a Heterogeneous Mantle in the Eucrite Parent Body
H. E. Newsom, M. J. Drake
1320 |
CA Isotopes in Allende and Leoville Inclusions
F. R. Niederer, D. A. Papanastassiou
1321 |
Spectra of Heated Fe-Ti Silicate Classes: Implications to Remote Sensing Measurements of Planetary Surfaces
D. A. Nolet, R. G. Burns, S. L. Flamm, J. R. Besancon
1322 |
Thermal and Mechanical History of Granulated Norite and Pyroxene Anorthosite Clasts in Breccia 73255
G. L. Nord, J. J. McGee
1323 |
Luna 24 VLT Basalts: Case against Near-Surface Fractionation
M. D. Norman, G. Ryder
1324 |
Chemistry and Petrology of Luna 24 Glass Chips
M. D. Norman, L. A. Taylor
1325 |
Considerations of an Olivine Vitrophyre as the Parent Magma at Luna 24
M. D. Norman, L. A. Taylor
1326 |
The SR and nd Isotopic Record of Apollo 12 Basalts
L. E. Nyquist, C.-Y. Shih, J. L. Wooden, B. M. Bansal, H. Weismann
1327 |
The Effect of Gravity on Impact Crater Excavation Time and Maximum Depth; Comparison Wth Experiment
J. D. O'Keefe, T. J. Ahrens
1328 |
Chemical Constraints on the Evolution of the Earth's Crust and Mantle
R. K. O'Nions, N. M. Evensen, P. J. Hamilton
1329 |
U-Pb and K-Ar Systematics of Cataclysm and Precataclysm Lunar Impactites
F. Oberli, J. C. Huneke, G. J. Wasserburg
1330 |
Impulse Radar Studies of Near Surface Geological Structure
G. R. Olhoeft
1331 |
Experimental Measurements of Surface and Volume Scattering Processes at Microwave Wavelengths
G. R. Olhoeft, B. Schaefer, G. R. Johnson
1332 |
Depth, Thickness and Volume of the Breccia Lens for Simple Explosion and Impact Craters
D. L. Orphal
1333 |
Noble Gases in Fine-Grained Olivine-Carbon Assemblages from an Allende Dark Inclusion
U. Ott, S. Chang, T. Bunch
1334 |
Effects of Lift Force on the Ejecta Transport
S. I. Pai, S. Menon, P. H. Schultz
1335 |
The Distribution of Volatile and Siderophile Elements in the Impact Melt of Clearwater East (quebec)
H. Palme, E. Gobel, R. A. F. Grieve
1336 |
Endogenic Proceses on Low-Density Satellites: Ganymede and Callisto
E. M. Parmentier, J. W. Head
1337 |
Tidal Dissipation in the Galilean Satellites
S. J. Peale, P. Cassen, R. T. Reynolds
1338 |
On Extraterrestrial Magnetic Minerals and Their Possible Remanent Moments
G. W. Pearce
1339 |
PU-244/U-238 Ratios in Whitlockites of Ordinary Chondrites: a Possible Chronological Tool
P. Pellas, D. Storzer, T. Kirsten, J. Jordan, H. Richten
1340 |
Fission and Fractionation in Lunar Xenon and the Composition of Solar Wind Xenon
R. O. Pepin, D. Phinney
1341 |
Magnesium Isotopes in Hibonite-Bearing Inclusions from CM Meteorites
D. Phinney, J. D. MacDougall, B. Whitehead
1342 |
Anorthosite Inclusions in Northeastern Minnesota: Remnants of Early Terrestrial Crust?
W. C. Phinney, D. Morrison, L. Ashwal, A. Cochran
1343 |
Highland Basalts? Spectral Data for a Southern Highland Plains Unit
C. M. Pieters
1344 |
Origin of Circular Ring Features in the Wetlands of Ontario
W. H. Pinson
1345 |
Styles of Faulting and Tectonics of Thorsis
J. B. Plescia, R. S. Saunders
1346 |
Geologic Evolution of the Tharsis Volcanoes
J. B. Plescia, R. S. Saunders, T. Gregory
1347 |
Comminution of Agglutinates
E. W. Porter, A. Basu
1348 |
Interelement Refractory Siderophile Fractionation in Ordinary and Enstatite Chondrites
E. R. Rambaldi, H. Wanke
1349 |
A Comparison of Accretional Heating Models
G. A. Ransford, W. M. Kaula
1350 |
Plutonium and Heavy Actinide Isotopes in Allende Inclusions
M. N. Rao, T. R. Venkatesan
1351 |
Solar Cosmic Ray Produced Neon and Argon Isotopes and Particle Tracks in Apollo 16 Soils and Rocks and Their Solar Flare Exposure Ages
M. N. Rao, T. R. Venkatesan, J. N. Goswami, C. M. Nautiyal
1352 |
Origin of C2, Al-Rich Meteoritic Inclusions: Implications of Isotopic Fractionations
J. Ray, D. Heymann
1353 |
Sulphur Isotopes in Lunar and Meteorite Samples
C. E. Rees, H. G. Thode
1354 |
Production of KR Isotopes by Spallation on Y Targets and Implications for Kr-Kr Dating
S. Regnier
1355 |
Predicted Versus Observed Cosmic-Ray Produced Noble Gases in Lunar Samples: Improved KR Production Ratios
S. Regnier, C. M. Hohenberg, K. Marti, R. C. Reedy
1356 |
Unequilibrated and Equilibrated Eucrites
A. M. Reid, B. M. Barnard
1357 |
Petrogenetic Models for Eucrite Genesis
A. M. Reid, A. R. Duncan, A. Le Roex
1358 |
One Atmosphere Melting Experiments on Ilmenite Basalt 12008
J. M. Rhodes, G. E. Lofgren, D. P. Smith
1359 |
Aubrites: are they Direct Nebular Condensates?
G. Richter, R. Wolf, E. Anders
1360 |
Current Drilling and Structural Studies at the Flynn Creek Impact Crater Tennessee
D. J. Roddy
1361 |
Melt Inclusions in 75075--THE Problem of Anomalous Low-K Inclusions in Ilmenite Revisted
E. Roedder
1362 |
Changes in the Geometric Shapes of Lunar and Mercurian Surface Features and of Asteroids
L. B. Ronca, R. B. Furlong
1363 |
An Iron Core in the Moon Generating an Early Magnetic Field?
S. K. Runcorn
1364 |
Thermal Effect of the Collision of Two Massive Bodies and the Initial Temperature of the Moon
E. L. Ruskol
1365 |
Initial Pioneer Venus Magnetometer Observations
C. T. Russell, R. C. Elphic, J. A. Slavin
1366 |
Mixing the Lunar Crust: the Components of Highlands Rocks
G. Ryder
1367 |
40AR-39AR Studies of Lunar Soil 74001
K. Saito, E. C. Alexander
1368 |
Reexamination of Diffusion Processes in 77115 and 77215
R. F. Sanford, J. S. Huebner
1369 |
Experimentally Shocked Lunar Basalt: Massive and Particulate
R. B. Schall, T. D. Thompson, F. Horz, J. F. Bauer
1370 |
Viking Photography: Assessment of Mars Radar Roughness
G. G. Schaber, K. C. Horstman, D. A. Johnson
1371 |
Effects of Micrometeorite Bombardment on Cosmic Ray Ages of Stony and Iron Meteorites: Evidence for a Long Term Temporal Change in Cosmic Ray Intensity
O. A. Schaeffer, K. Nagel, G. Neukum, H. Fechtig
1372 |
Estimated Viscosities of Arsia Mons Lava Flows
E. Schonfeld
1373 |
Origin of Valles Marineris
E. Schonfeld
1374 |
Redox Interactions in Synthetic Lunar Magmas
H. D. Schreiber
1375 |
Redox Equilibria of Iron in Synthetic Basaltic Melts
H. D. Schreiber, T. Thanyasiri, H. V. Lauer
1376 |
Concentration of Radioactive Heat Sources in the Moon
G. Schubert, P. Cassen
1377 |
Intrusive Melting of Water/ice on Mars
P. H. Schultz, H. Glicken, T. R. McGetchin
1378 |
On the Formation of Basin Secondary Craters by Ejecta Complexes
P. H. Schultz, M. H. Mendenhall
1379 |
Effects of Substrate Strength on Crater Statistics: Implications for Surface Ages and Gravity Scaling
P. H. Schultz, J. Spencer
1380 |
Evidence for Ancient Lunar Basalts
P. H. Schultz, P. D. Spudis
1381 |
Iron in Anorthite: an Experimental Study
C. B. Sclar, R. L. Kastelic
1382 |
Subsolidus Shock-Induced Reduction of FE+2 on the Moon: Evidence from Experimentally Shocked Ulvospinel
C. B. Sclar, R. L. Kastelic, J. F. Bauer
1383 |
Geologic Problems in the Northern Plains of Mars
D. H. Scott
1384 |
Thermal History of the Shaw Chondrite
E. R. D. Scott, R. S. Rajan
1385 |
Geochemical Characterization of the Lunar Nearside Using the SKYLAB S-192 Multispectral Scanner Data
C. R. Seeger, A. E. Potter, R. H. Wolfe
1386 |
Dispersion and Deposition of Volcanic Aerosols on Mars
M. Settle
1387 |
Lava Rheology: Newtonian Suspension Model for Lava Flow Behavior at High Shear Rates
M. Settle
1388 |
Lava Rheology: Thermal Buffering Produced by the Latent Heat of Crystallization
M. Settle
1389 |
Production of Volcanic Sulfate Aerosols on Mars
M. Settle
1390 |
Volume of Impact Crater Fallback Ejecta on the Earth, Moon and Venus
M. Settle
1391 |
Progress Towards the Measurement of Optical Absorption in Small Particles
J. R. Shirck, W. H. Smith
1392 |
Petrography and Olivine Mineral Chemistry of Chondrules and Inclusions in the Allende Meteorite
S. B. Simon, S. Haggerty
1393 |
The Apollo 17 Drill CORE.PART I. Modal Petrology of the >20MM Size Fraction
S. B. Simon, J. J. Papike, D. T. Vaniman
1394 |
Petrology of Impactites, Lake ST. Martin, Manitoba Impact Structure
C. H. Simonds, P. E. McGee
1395 |
Mars: Large Scale Mixing of Bright and Dark Materials and Properties of Dark Material
R. B. Singer, T. B. McCord
1396 |
A New Heterogeneous Accretion Model for the Inner Planets Especially the Earth
J. V. Smith
1397 |
Significance of Granulite Metamorphism for Stabilization of Planetary Crust: Charnockite Formation at Kabbaldurga, S. India: Roles of CO2 and H2O; Speculations on Venus and Mars
J. V. Smith, R. C. Newton, A. S. Janardhan
1398 |
Petrology of Temperature and Oxygen Fugacity Indicating Mineral Assemblages in Four Low-Grade Mesosiderites
J. W. Snellenburg, C. E. Nehru, J. B. D. Caulfield, S. Zucker, M. Prinz
1399 |
Characteristics and Evolution of the Lunar Lithosphere from the Deformation of Mascon Mare Basins
S. C. Solomon, J. W. Head
1400 |
Compressional Velocity Measurements for a Highly Fractured Lunar Anorthosite
C. H. Sondergeld, L. A. Granryd, H. A. Spetzler
1401 |
On the Continued Search for a Metallized Lunar Core Metallized Lunar Core
C. P. Sonett, M. J. Wiskerchen
1402 |
The High Frequency Electromagnetic Response of the Moon and the Shallow Bulk Electrical Conductivity
C. P. Sonett, M. J. Wiskerchen
1403 |
A Technique for Determining Planetary Composition Utilizing Galactic Cosmic Ray and Solar Flare Induced Secondaries i: Characteristic Neutrons from the Lunar Surface
M. S. Spergel, O. W. Lazareth, P. W. Levy
1404 |
A Technique for Determining Planetary Composition Utilizing Galactic Cosmic Ray and Solar Flare Induced Secondaries II: Characteristic Gamma Rays from the Lunar Surface
M. S. Spergel, O. W. Lazareth, P. W. Levy
1405 |
Crack Growth in Lunar Analogue Glass
H. Spetzler, N. Soga, H. Mizutani
1406 |
Models of an Early Lunar Dynamo
L. J. Srnka, M. H. Mendenhall
1407 |
Ilmenite/armalcolite: Effects of Rock Composition, Oxygen Fugacity, and Cooling Rate
F. T. Stanin, L. A. Taylor
1408 |
New 40AR-39AR Ages for Aphanites and Clasts of Consortium Breccia 73255
Th. Staudacher, B. Dominik, I. Flohs, E. K. Jessberger, T. Kirsten
1409 |
Anatomy of Allende Inclusions: Mineralogy and MG Isotopes in Two Ca-Al Inclusions
I. M. Steele, I. D. Hutcheon
1410 |
Thermal Alteration of Magnetic Properties of Iron and the Effect on Palaeointensity Determinations
A. Stephenson, D. W. Collinson, S. K. Runcorn
1411 |
Structural Analysis of Shatter Cones from Slate Islands, Northern Lake Superior
R. M. Stesky, H. C. Halls
1412 |
A Physical Model of the Lunar Near-Surface Structure
R. M. Stesky, G. W. Pearce
1413 |
Genetic Classification and Nomenclature of Lunar Highland Rocks Based on the Texture and Geological Setting of Terrestrial Impact Breccias
D. Stoffler, H.-D. Knoll, U. Maerz
1414 |
Topography of the Smythii Basin
P. Strain, F. El-Baz
1415 |
Magnetic Fields in Solid Objects of the Solar System did they Become Magnetized in a Solar Dipole Field?
D. W. Strangway, N. Sugiura
1416 |
Meteorite Impact in the Ocean
R. A. Strelitz
1417 |
Stress Amplification by Weak Inclusions and the Source of Deep Moonquakes
R. Strelitz
1418 |
Soil Stratigraphy and Rock Coatings Observed in Color Enhanced Viking Lander Images
E. L. Strickland
1419 |
Paleointensity Studies on 70019, a Young Glass Sample from Apollo 17
N. Sugiura, Y. M. Wu, D. W. Strangway, G. W. Pearce, L. A. Taylor
1420 |
Application of a Surface Explosion Cratering Model to Impact Cratering
R. P. Swift
1421 |
Pyroxenes in Early Crustal Cumulates Found in Achondrites and Lunar Highland Rocks
H. Takeda, T. Ishii, M. Miyamoto
1422 |
Chemical Study of an Isotopically-Unusual Allende Inclusion
T. Tanaka, A. M. Davis, L. Grossman, J. M. Lattimer, J. M. Allen, T. Lee, G. J. Wasserburg
1423 |
Petrology of Apollo 17 Deep Drill Core-Iii Stratigraphy and Depositional History
G. J. Taylor, R. D. Warner, K. Keil
1424 |
An Effective Sample Preparation Technique for Paleointensity Determinations at Elevated Temperatures
L. A. Taylor
1425 |
Effects of Kinetics on the Crystallization Sequence of Basalts
L. A. Taylor, P. I. Nabelek
1426 |
Nickel Abundances in Lunar Mare Basalts
S. R. Taylor
1427 |
Relative Refractory and Volatile Element Contents of the Earth and the Moon
S. R. Taylor
1428 |
Chemical Similarity Between Irghizites and Javan Tektites
S. R. Taylor, S. M. McLennan
1429 |
Ancient Solar Wind in Lunar Microbreccias
M. H. Theimens, R. N. Clayton
1430 |
Lunar Megaregolith Properties from Blocky Crater Studies
T. W. Thompson, W. K. Hartmann, W. J. Roberts, R. W. Shorthill, S. H. Zisk
1431 |
Investigation of the Mechanics of Impact Cratering
J. M. Thomsen, M. G. Austin, S. F. Ruhl, P. H. Schultz
1432 |
Seismic Q and Velocity at Depth
B. R. Tittmann, L. Ahlberg, H. Nadler, I. B. Goldberg
1433 |
Simulation Experiments and Planetary Sputtering Phenomena
T. A. Tombrello
1434 |
Oxygen -> Metal Charge Transfer Energies in Minerals
J. A. Tossell
1435 |
A Numerical Solution to Isotopic Anomalies in Rare Gases
B. M. P. Trivedi
1436 |
Sand Dunes of the North Polar Region of Mars: Mapping and Analysis
H. Tsoar, R. Greeley, R. Papson, S. Squyres
1437 |
Parameterized Convection Within the Moon and the Terrestrial Planets
D. L. Turcotte
1438 |
Dating Heavenly Bodies and Monte-Carlo Models
G. Turner, M. C. Enright, J. Hennessy
1439 |
A Simplified Model of Glass Formation
D. R. Uhlmann, P. I. K. Onorato
1440 |
Partitioning as a Cooling Rate Indicator
D. R. Uhlmann, P. I. K. Onorato, H. Yinnon, L. A. Taylor
1441 |
U-Th Systematics and Uranium Isotopic Composition of Chondrites
D. M. Unruh, R. Hutchison, M. Tatsumoto
1442 |
A Self-Consistent Tidal Theory for Imperfectly Elastic Bodies
W. E. van Arsdale, J. A. Burns
1443 |
The Apollo 17 Drill Core. Part Iii: Comparative Mineral Chemistry of the >20 Micrometer and 20-10 Micrometer Size Fractions
D. T. Vaniman, T. C. Labotka, J. J. Papike
1444 |
Deformation Maps of the Moon
R. A. Verrall, R. J. O'Connell
1445 |
Vacuum Ultraviolet Reflectance Spectra of Group H Chondrites
J. K. Wagner, A. J. Cohen, B. W. Hapke, W. D. Partlow
1446 |
Analysis of Craters on the Floor of Aitken
A. S. Walker, F. El-Baz
1447 |
Terrestrial Basalts Revisted: the Importance of Planet Size
D. Walker, E. M. Stolper, J. F. Hays
1448 |
Evidence of Solar Cosmic Ray Proton Production of Neon and Argon in Luna 20 Single Particles
J. R. Walton, D. Heymann, A. Yaniv
1449 |
Non-Meteoritic Siderophile Elements in Lunar Highland Rocks: Evidence from Pristine Rocks
H. Wanke, G. Dreibus, H. Palme
1450 |
Marginal Stability in Variable Viscosity Fluids
A. Warford, J.-Cl. de Bremaecker
1451 |
High Resolution Depth Profiles of Solar Wind Implanted Rare Gases in Lunar Minerals and Glasses
M. Warhaut, J. Kiko, T. Kirsten
1452 |
Total U-Th Mineral Ages of Three Ca-Al Inclusions in the Allende Meteorite
D. A. Wark, D. K. B. Sewell
1453 |
Structural Features of Some Allende Coarse-Grained Ca-Al Inclusions: Chondrules Within Chondrules
D. A. Wark, G. J. Wasserburg, J. F. Lovering
1454 |
A Model for the Lithosphere of Venus
J. L. Warner
1455 |
Composition of Glasses in Apollo 17 Soil Breccias
R. D. Warner, G. J. Taylor, K. Keil
1456 |
The Quest for Pristine Nonmare Rocks: a New Crop of Toisons D'or
P. H. Warren
1457 |
Effects of Pressure on the Crystallization of a Moon-Sized Chondritic Magma Ocean
P. H. Warren, J. T. Wasson
1458 |
I-Xe Dating of I-Bearing Phases in Allende
G. J. Wasserburg, J. C. Huneke
1459 |
Formation of the Moon from Differentiated Planitesimals of Chondritic Composition
J. T. Wasson, P. H. Warren
1460 |
The Relation of Lunar Highland Plains and Terra to Basin Forming Events
J. A. Watkins, S. M. Skirvin, J. M. Boyce
1461 |
Solar Wind Sputtering of Planetary Atmospheres and Surfaces
C. C. Watson, P. K. Haff, T. A. Tombrello
1462 |
Aubrites: Their Origin and Relationship to E Chondrites
T. R. Watters, M. Prinz
1463 |
On the Fractionation of Heavy Noble Gases during the Agglutination Process
H. W. Weber, L. Schultz
1464 |
Significance of the Origin of the Intracratonic Basins of North America for the Heat Budget of the Earth
P. W. Weiblen, J. L. Warner
1465 |
Behavior of Dust in the Solar Nebula
S. J. Weidenschilling
1466 |
Melting Relations of Portions of the System Fe-S at High Pressure and Applications to the Composition of the Earth's Core
R. F. Wendlandt, J. S. Huebner
1467 |
The Unique Nature of Apollo 17 VLT Mare Basalts
S. Wentworth, G. J. Taylor, R. D. Warner, K. Keil, M.-S. Ma, R. A. Schmitt
1468 |
Steady-State Velocity Distribution of a Protoplanetary Swarm
G. W. Wetherill
1469 |
Magnesium and Boron Isotopes in an Allende Coarse Grained Inclusion
B. Whitehead, D. Phinney
1470 |
Charting the Southern Seas: the Evolution of the Lunar Mare Australe
J. L. Whitford-Stark
1471 |
The Solar Wind Half an Aeon Ago; Light Noble Gases in 15002 Core Soil Constituents
R. Wieler, H. Funk, P. Horn, P. Signer
1472 |
Star and Planetary System Formation in Disks
P. J. Wiita, D. N. Schramm
1473 |
Classification of Planet Crossing Asteroids
J. G. Williams
1474 |
Ascent of Magma with Volatiles on the Earth and Moon
L. Wilson, J. W. Head
1475 |
Lunar Volcanic Cones and Dark Mantling Deposits: Consequences of Patterns of Volatile Release
L. Wilson, J. W. Head
1476 |
Anorthositic Complexes in the Early Crust of the Earth: Comparison of Mineralogy with Lunar Anorthosites
B. F. Windley, F. C. Bishop, J. V. Smith, I. M. Steele, R. C. Newton, J. S. Delaney
1477 |
Comparison of Explorer 33 and Explorer 35 Magnetometers
M. J. Wiskerchen, C. P. Sonett
1478 |
Siderophile and Volatile Elements in the Earth and Moon: Similar or Not?
R. Wolf, A. Woodrow, E. Anders
1479 |
Orientation of Eolian Features in the North Polar Region of Mars: a Preliminary Assessment
R. W. Wolfe
1480 |
Backscatter Measurements and Impacted Surfaces
M. Wolff
1481 |
Cindercones on Earth, Moon and Mars
C. A. Wood
1482 |
Crater Degradation Through Lunar History
C. A. Wood
1483 |
Bulk Iron Contents of Highland Agglutinates
M. R. Woodcock, D. M. Fabian, C. T. Pillinger
1484 |
Radiometric Ages for the Achondrites Chervony Kut, Governador Valadares and Allan Hills 77005
J. L. Wooden, L. E. Nyquist, D. D. Bogard, B. M. Bansal, H. Weismann, C.-Y. Shih, G. A. McKay
1485 |
Chondritic Siderophiles: BI Confirmed and the Case for Lead
D. S. Woolum, R. Mascitelli, D. S. Burnett
1486 |
Lunar and Martian Crater Classes
A. Woronow
1487 |
Effects of the Orientale Impact on the Pre-Existing Crater Population
A. Woronow, R. G. Strom
1488 |
Erosion on Lunar Highland Slopes: Implications for Planetary Landform Analysis
R. A. Young
1489 |
I-Xe Chronology of Allende Inclusions
A. Zaikowski
1490 |
An Iodine-Xenon Study of Laboratory-Synthesized Enstatite
A. Zaikowski, P. M. Jeffery, J. H. Reynolds
1491 |
The Spacecraft Determined Micrometeoroid Flux and its Application to Problems in Lunar Research
H. Zook
1492 |