How to Access the Downloadable Files

Downloadable files are provided for each session that includes abstracts. These files are different from the files available through the link "Browse Program and Abstracts" in that they contain the full program listing for a particular session, as well as all the files for the abstracts being presented in that session. These files will provide an easy way for participants to download and print out all the abstracts for a session.

Remember that the titles in the program listings of these files are NOT linked to the individual abstracts as they are in the "Browse Program and Abstracts" version. These files are available via the LPI's anonymous FTP site. Instructions for accessing the site are provided below. The file names are shown to the right of each session (e.g., "full51.pdf"). If you have any questions regarding these files, please contact Linda Tanner at 281-486-2142 or [email protected].

To access the LPI's FTP site, ftp to

    User Name:  anonymous
    Password:  your e-mail address

Change the directory to


and then retrieve the file(s) you are interested in (see listing below).

Note:  The files should be downloaded in BINARY mode.

If you prefer to download the files using your Web browser, you can click on the file names, which are linked to the ftp site. A left click will launch the Acrobat Reader and pull up the file via your browser (this may take some time, depending on the size of the file), and you can then save the file on your machine for later viewing. A right click will give you the option to save the file on your machine without launching the Reader (this will be much faster). (A right click on the Mac is accomplished by holding down the command key and then clicking.)

Sunday Evening, 5:00 p.m.
 LPI Berkner Open House Education and Public Outreach Displays:
    "Accessing the Solar System Through Educational Products"    full51.pdf
Monday Morning, 8:30 a.m.
 Crystal Ballroom A Mars Polar and Glacial Processes    full101.pdf
 Crystal Ballroom B A, B, Cs of CAIs    full102.pdf
 Marina Plaza Blrm Planetary Differentiation:  Mantles and Cores    full103.pdf
 AmphitheaterImpact Cratering from Experiments and Models    full104.pdf
Monday Afternoon, 2:15 p.m.
 Crystal Ballroom A Titan    full152.pdf
 Crystal Ballroom B Mars Volcanism    full153.pdf
 Marina Plaza Blrm Mars Polar Layered Deposits    full154.pdf
 AmphitheaterEarly Solar System Isotopes    full155.pdf
Tuesday Morning, 8:30 a.m.
 Crystal Ballroom A SPECIAL SESSION:  Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter:  New Ways of Studying the Red Planet    full201.pdf
 Crystal Ballroom B Achondrites:  Exploring Oxygen Isotopes and Parent-Body Processes    full202.pdf
 Marina Plaza Blrm Solar System Formation and Evolution    full203.pdf
 AmphitheaterSPECIAL SESSION:  SMART-1    full204.pdf
10:30 a.m.    Impact Cratering:  Observations and Experiments    full205.pdf
Tuesday Afternoon, 1:30 p.m.
 Crystal Ballroom A SPECIAL SESSION:  Volcanism and Tectonism on Saturnian Satellites    full251.pdf
 Crystal Ballroom B Solar Nebula Composition    full252.pdf
 Marina Plaza Blrm Mars Fluvial Geomorphology    full253.pdf
 Amphitheater    Asteroid Observations:  Spectra, Mostly    full254.pdf
Tuesday Evening, 7:00–9:30 p.m.
 Fitness Center Poster Session I
Asteroids/Kuiper Belt Objects    full301.pdf
Galilean Satellites:  Geology and Mapping    full302.pdf
Titan    full303.pdf
Volcanism and Tectonism on Saturnian Satellites    full304.pdf
Early Solar System    full305.pdf
Achondrite Hodgepodge    full306.pdf
Ordinary Chondrites    full307.pdf
Carbonaceous Chondrites    full308.pdf
Impact Cratering from Observations and Interpretations    full309.pdf
Impact Cratering from Experiments and Modeling    full310.pdf
SMART-1    full311.pdf
Planetary Differentiation    full312.pdf
Mars Geology    full313.pdf
Mars Volcanism    full314.pdf
Mars Tectonics    full315.pdf
Mars:  Polar, Glacial, and Near-Surface Ice    full316.pdf
Mars Valley Networks    full317.pdf
Mars Gullies    full318.pdf
Mars Outflow Channels    full319.pdf
Mars Sediments and Geochemistry:  Spirit and Opportunity    full320.pdf
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter:  New Ways of Studying the Red Planet    full321.pdf
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter:  Geology, Layers, and Landforms, Oh My!    full322.pdf
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter:  Viewing Mars Through Multicolored Glasses    full323.pdf
Mars Science Laboratory, Phoenix, and ExoMars:
    Science, Instruments, and Landing Sites    full324.pdf
Planetary Analogs:  Chemical and Mineral    full325.pdf
Planetary Analogs:  Physical    full326.pdf
Planetary Analogs:  Operations    full327.pdf
Future Mission Concepts    full328.pdf
Planetary Data, Imaging, and Cartography    full329.pdf
Wednesday Morning, 8:30 a.m.
 Crystal Ballroom A Mars Sediments and Geochemistry:  View from the Surface    full401.pdf
 Crystal Ballroom B Mars Tectonics and Crustal Dichotomy    full402.pdf
 Marina Plaza Blrm Stardust:  Wild-2 Revealed    full403.pdf
 Amphitheater    Impact Cratering from Observations and Interpretations    full404.pdf
Wednesday Afternoon, 1:30 p.m.
 Crystal Ballroom A Mars Sediments and Geochemistry:  The Map View    full451.pdf
 Crystal Ballroom B Chondrules and Their Formation    full452.pdf
 Marina Plaza Blrm Enceladus    full453.pdf
 Amphitheater    Asteroids and Deep Impact:  Structure, Dynamics, and Experiments    full454.pdf
Thursday Morning, 8:30 a.m.
 Crystal Ballroom A Mars Surface Processes and Evolution    full501.pdf
 Crystal Ballroom B Martian Meteorites:
   Nakhlites, Experiments, and the Great Shergottite Age Debate    full502.pdf
 Marina Plaza Blrm Stardust:  Mainly Mineralogy    full503.pdf
 Amphitheater    Astrobiology    full504.pdf
Thursday Afternoon, 1:30 p.m.
 Crystal Ballroom A Wind-Surface Interactions on Mars and Earth    full551.pdf
 Crystal Ballroom B Icy Satellite Surfaces    full552.pdf
3:00 p.m.    Venus    full553.pdf
 Marina Plaza Blrm Lunar Remote Sensing, Space Weathering, and Impact Effects    full554.pdf
 Amphitheater    Interplanetary Dust/Genesis    full555.pdf
Thursday Evening, 7:00–9:30 p.m.
 Fitness Center Poster Session II
Outer Solar System    full601.pdf
Presolar/Solar Grains    full602.pdf
Stardust Mission    full603.pdf
Interplanetary Dust    full604.pdf
Genesis    full605.pdf
Asteroids and Comets:  Models, Dynamics, and Experiments    full606.pdf
Venus    full607.pdf
Mercury    full608.pdf
Laboratory Instruments, Methods, and Techniques
    to Support Planetary Exploration    full609.pdf
Instruments, Techniques, and Enabling Technologies
    for Planetary Exploration    full610.pdf
Lunar Missions and Instruments    full611.pdf
Living and Working on the Moon    full612.pdf
Meteoroid Impacts on the Moon    full613.pdf
Lunar Remote Sensing    full614.pdf
Lunar Samples and Experiments    full615.pdf
Lunar Atmosphere    full616.pdf
Moon:  Soils, Poles, and Volatiles    full617.pdf
Lunar Topography and Geophysics    full618.pdf
Lunar Meteorites    full619.pdf
Chondrites:  Secondary Processes    full620.pdf
Chondrites    full621.pdf
Martian Meteorites    full622.pdf
Mars Cratering    full623.pdf
Mars Surface Processes and Evolution    full624.pdf
Mars Sediments and Geochemistry:
   Regolith, Spectroscopy, and Imaging    full625.pdf
Mars Sediments and Geochemistry:
   Analogs and Mineralogy    full626.pdf
Mars:  Magnetics and Atmosphere    full627.pdf
Mars Aeolian Geomorphology    full628.pdf
Mars Data Processing and Analyses    full629.pdf
Astrobiology    full630.pdf
Engaging Student Educators and the Public in Planetary Science    full631.pdf
Friday Morning, 8:30 a.m.
 Crystal Ballroom A Mars Cratering:  Counts and Catastrophes    full701.pdf
 Crystal Ballroom B Chondrites:  Secondary Processes    full702.pdf
 Marina Plaza Blrm Mars Sediments and Geochemistry:
    Atmosphere, Soils, Brines, and Minerals    full703.pdf
 Amphitheater    Lunar Interior and Differentiation    full704.pdf
Friday Afternoon, 1:30 p.m.
 Crystal Ballroom A Mars Magnetics and Atmosphere:  Core to Ionosphere    full751.pdf
 Crystal Ballroom B Metal-rich Chondrites    full752.pdf
3:00 p.m.     Organics in Chondrites    full753.pdf
 Marina Plaza Blrm Lunar Impacts and Meteorites    full754.pdf
 Amphitheater    Presolar/Solar Grains    full755.pdf
Print-Only Presentations
  Outer Planets/Satellites    full801.pdf
Early Solar System    full802.pdf
Interplanetary Dust    full803.pdf
Comets and Kuiper Belt Objects    full804.pdf
Asteroids and Meteoroids    full805.pdf
Chondrites    full806.pdf
Achondrites    full807.pdf
Meteorite Related    full808.pdf
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter    full809.pdf
Mars    full810.pdf
Astrobiology    full811.pdf
Planetary Differentiation    full812.pdf
Impacts    full813.pdf
Mercury    full814.pdf
Lunar Samples and Modeling    full815.pdf
Venus    full816.pdf
Missions and Instruments    full817.pdf
Global Warming    full818.pdf
Education and Public Outreach    full819.pdf

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