NLSI Lunar Science Conference, July 20-23, 2008, Moffett Field, California



NASA Lunar Science Institute
Lunar and Planetary Institute
NASA Ames Research Center

Chris McKay,
   NASA Ames Research Center


Michael Bicay,
   NASA Ames Research Center
Liza Coe,
   NASA Ames Research Center
Tony Colaprete,
   NASA Ames Research Center
Rob Ferl ,
   University of Florida
Bernard Foing,
   European Space Agency
Robert Grimm,
   Southwest Research Institute
Pat Hamill,
   San Jose State University
Jennifer Heldmann,
   NASA Ames Research Center
Brad Jolliff,
   Washington University
Jeff Jones,
   NASA Johnson Space Center
Laurie Leshin,
   NASA Goddard Space
   Flight Center
Steve Mackwell,
   Lunar and Planetary Institute
Melissa McGrath,
   NASA Marshall Space
   Flight Center

Wendell Mendell ,
   NASA Johnson Space Center
Clive Neal,
   Notre Dame University
Jim Pawelczyk,
   Penn State University
Jerry Sanders,
   NASA Johnson Space Center
Jeff Taylor,
   University of Hawaii at Manoa
Maggie Turnbull,
   Space Telescope Science    Institute
Kristina Wilmoth,
   NASA Ames Research Center
Larry Young,
   Massachusetts Institute of    Technology

    The NLSI Lunar Science Conference will be held July 20–23, 2008, at the NASA Ames Conference Center, adjacent to NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California.   KEY POINTS:
Date:  July 20–23, 2008
Location:  NASA Ames   Research Center, California

The conference will review the state of knowledge of, and opportunities for science:

Of the Moon:  Study the nature and history of the Moon (including research on lunar samples) to learn about this specific object and thereby provide insights into the evolution of our solar system;

On the Moon:  Investigate the effects of the lunar environment on terrestrial life and the equipment that supports lunar inhabitants, and the effects on the lunar environment of robotic and human presence;

From the Moon:  Use the Moon as a platform for performing scientific investigations, including observations of the Earth and other celestial phenomena that are uniquely enabled by being on the lunar surface.

Sessions are structured to report on recent results and anticipate future opportunities for lunar science. Presentations on elements of education and public outreach are included to better understand how lunar exploration can be used to stimulate public interest in space exploration and improve science literacy.


To celebrate the 39th anniversary of the Apollo Moon landing, Ames is hosting a series of public events on Sunday, July 20. This program begins at 1:00 p.m., ends at 5:00 p.m., and includes panel discussions in the NASA Ames Conference Center (Building 3). In addition, the Exploration Center (including Building 943) will feature movies with lunar themes and NASA lunar footage archives, and there will be several children’s activities.

At 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, participants will have the opportunity to check in during the early registration that will be held in the Foyer of Building 17.


The conference consists of invited and contributed oral and poster presentations, together with breakout sessions to plan for the future of lunar science.

Sessions are scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (with lunch to be provided on site). On Monday and Tuesday, formal poster sessions will be held at 5:00 p.m. Participants will also be given the opportunity to view posters during the lunch breaks. More detailed information is available via the meeting agenda.

The session summaries, along with the abstracts, list of organizers, and participants, will be included in a final report to be posted on the NASA Lunar Science Institute website.

Oral Presentations
Speakers may either bring their own laptops or bring their presentations on a memory stick and use the computers provided in the plenary room and the breakout rooms.

If using a DVD or any other media with embedded video or movie clips, we encourage you to plan to connect your own laptop to the room’s LCD projectors/system in order to avoid technical issues. A/V personnel will be provided to connect your laptop to the system.

Poster Presentations
The space available for poster displays is 48” x 48”. The poster area will be open during all normal meeting hours, so authors may install their poster anytime after 8:00 a.m. on Monday, July 21. Posters should be removed by the conclusion of the meeting on Wednesday afternoon.

There are two dedicated poster sessions, one at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, July 21, and the other at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22. Authors are not required to be at their posters during both poster sessions.

In addition, an opportunity for poster viewing will be provided during the lunch breaks on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, so authors are encouraged to install their posters early in order allow maximum viewing opportunities for the other participants.

Poster authors are also encouraged to bring several press-ready copies of their abstract for the media area/table.


There will be no registration fee associated with this workshop. However, participants are asked to register in advance using the electronic registration form provided. Available space for this conference is now almost fully subscribed. In order to finalize logistical arrangements and provide adequate seating and catering, registration for the conference will close on JULY 14, 2008.

Please read carefully the security clearance requirements below regarding access to the NASA Research Park.

Registration Deadline:
   July 14, 2008
      All conference attendees will need to present a valid government-issued photo identification document (e.g., NASA badge for NASA employees and contractors, U.S. driver's license for U.S. citizens and permanent residents of the United States, passport for all others) at the main entrance gate of the NASA Research Park in order to be admitted to the Research Park and the NASA Ames Conference Center.  Attendees who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States MUST REGISTER by June 1, 2008, so that there will be sufficient time to obtain the required security clearance for access to the site.


Lodging is available either onsite at the NASA Ames Lodge or in nearby hotels.

For information regarding the NASA Ames Lodge, please visit

For information regarding nearby hotels, please visit

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Sundowner Inn (504 Ross Drive, Sunnyvale CA 94089) for $106.00 per night plus taxes. The hotel will provide free shuttle service to Ames during the conference. For more information, call the hotel at 408-734-9900 and ask for Anjani.


For further information regarding the format and scientific objectives of the workshop, contact
     NASA Ames Research Center
     Phone:  650-604-6864
     E-mail:  [email protected]

For further information regarding local logistics, contact
     NASA Ames Research Center
     Phone:  650-604-2476
     E-mail:  [email protected]

For further information regarding registration, contact
     Lunar and Planetary Institute
     Phone: 281-486-2142
     Fax: 281-486-2125
     E-mail: [email protected]

July 14, 2008
Deadline for conference registration
July 20–23, 2008
NLSI Lunar Science Conference
at NASA Ames Conference Center


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