MEP Future Plan
Exploring Mars Together: A Plan for a Sustainable Future for Science at Mars
The Mars Exploration Program (MEP) has been thinking strategically about ways to guide the Mars program through the next two decades. The product of this work, Exploring Mars Together: A Plan for a Sustainable Future for Science at Mars, outlines a draft vision for scientific exploration, technology development, infrastructure, and community partnerships that will make the Mars program of the future robust, resilient, and reflective of our diverse community.
A draft of this plan was presented at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Committee on Astrobiology and Planetary Science (CAPS) meeting on March 29, 2023 and the MEPAG 40 Hybrid Meeting on April 11–12, 2023 in Washington DC and online.
Please visit the following link to access the DRAFT Plan for a Sustainable Future for Science at Mars: