Allan Hills A81005 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Basic information | Name: Allan Hills A81005 This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name. Abbreviation: ALHA81005 This meteorite may also be called Allan Hills 81005 (ALH 81005) in publications. Observed fall: No Year found: 1981 or 1982 Country: Antarctica [Collected by US Antarctic Search for Meteorites program (ANSMET)] Mass: 31.4 g | ||||||||||||||||||||
Classification history: |
This is 1 of 83 approved meteorites classified as Lunar (anorth). [show all] Search for other: Lunar meteorites | ||||||||||||||||||||
Writeup |
Writeup from AMN 6(1):
Sample No.: ALHA81005 Location: Allan Hills Field No.: 1422 Weight (gms): 31.4 Meteorite Type: Anorthositic Breccia
Physical Description: Roberta Score This is an unusual looking sample! Flow marks are apparent on the exterior which is covered with a pitted, glassy, greenish-tan colored crust. Immediately underneath this crust, the surface is a "dusty" gray color. The interior consists of abundant angular clasts, which range in color from gray to white, set in a black matrix. The size of the clasts are as small as submillimeter and as large as 8 mm in diameter. The sample is very coherent. Some areas of oxidation were noted. Dimensions: 3 x 2.5 x 3 cm.
Petrographic Description: Brian Mason The specimen is a microbreccia of clasts (maximum dimension 4 mm) in a translucent to semi-opaque dark brown glassy matrix showing flow structure in places; clast:matrix ratio is approximately 40:60. The larger clasts are polymineralic, the smaller (less than 0.3 mm) may be individual mineral grains. The clasts consist largely of plagioclase, together with some pyroxene and occasional olivine; most of the mineral grains are plagioclase. The clasts show a variety of textures, including gabbroic, diabasic, and basaltic; many have been shocked and partly granulated. Some of the clasts resemble eucrites, but many appear to be more feldspathic than most eucrites. The section is notable for the complete absence of opaque minerals, except for a 1 mm metal grain. Microprobe analyses show that the plagioclase is very Ca-rich, averaging An97 (range An95-98); pyroxene is variable in composition, Wo1-41, En44-79, Fs7-47 (richer in En than most eucrite pyroxenes); several grains of olivine, Fa11-40, were analyzed. The meteorite is a breccia, but more feldspathic than most eucrites; some of the clasts resemble the anorthositic clasts described from lunar rocks. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Data from: MB76 Table 2 Line 528: |
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References: | Published in Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter 6(1) (1983), JSC, Houston Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 76, Meteoritics 29, 100-143 (1994)
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Geography: |
Statistics: This is 1 of 45041 approved meteorites from Antarctica (plus 3472 unapproved names) | ||||||||||||||||||||
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