Name: LaPaz Icefield 031022 This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name. Abbreviation: LAP 031022 Observed fall: No Year found: 2002 Country: Antarctica [Collected by US Antarctic Search for Meteorites program (ANSMET)] Mass: 4.2 g
Macroscopic Description: Kathleen McBride
The meteorite has black patches of fusion crust over 20% of its surface. The charcoal gray matrix contains white specks.
Thin Section (,2) Description: Tim McCoy
The section consists of numerous small chondrules (up to 1 mm), mineral grains and CAIs set in a black matrix; rare metal and sulfide grains are present. Chondrules exhibit relatively little alteration and are set in a matrix of serpentine. Olivine compositions are Fa1-12, with a peak at Fa0-2; a single pyroxene is Fs1. The meteorite is a CM2 chondrite.