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Acfer 370
Basic information Name: Acfer 370
     This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: There is no official abbreviation for this meteorite.
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2002
Country: Algeria
Mass:help 129 g
Meteoritical Bulletin:  MB 94  (2008)  Chondrite-ung
Recommended:  Chondrite-ung    [explanation]

This is 1 of 22 approved meteorites classified as Chondrite-ung.   [show all]
Search for other: Ungrouped chondrites
Comments: Approved 15 May 2008
Writeup from MB 94:

Acfer 370                   27°40.35N, 4°21.40E

Acfer, Algeria

Find: November 2002

Ungrouped chondrite

History: A small single meteorite, weighing 129 g, was found during an expedition for meteorite recovery in the Acfer area of the Algerian Sahara. The sample was recovered by the late Filiberto Ercolani.

Physical characteristics: The hand-size sample has been split into two end cuts weighing 67 and 62 g, respectively, both displaying no fusion crust.

Petrography: (Moggi Cecchi, V., Pratesi G., MSP) The thin section displays chondrules and chondrule fragments set in a fine-grained interchondrule matrix. Chondrules range in size from 150 to >2000 μm (mean = 460 μm). Chondrule types are PO, POP, PP, GOP, RP, BO, and C. Chondrule fragments are common. Mineral fragments (mainly orthopyroxene) are rare. A partially devitrified glass is present in some chondrules. Matrix is composed of olivine, orthopyroxene, Fe,Ni alloys, troilite, and Fe-oxides. Opaque phases can be found in two extremely different occurrences: in large (100–300 μm) aggregates of kamacite and taenite associated with troilite, minor schreibersite and weathering products and as extremely fine-grained spots inside PP chondrules. Modal abundances of the components are: chondrules and chondrule fragments 75 vol%, mineral fragments 5%, silicate matrix 5%, metal 10%, troilite 3%, schreibersite 1%.

Geochemistry: Olivine (inside and outside chondrules) Fa5.65 (mean on 20 analyses, PMD = 3.82%); low-Ca pyroxene Fs6.94-22.63 (mean = 15.64 on 20 analyses); clinopyroxenes Fs11.5En48.9Wo32.6. Oxygen isotopes (Greenwood, R., OU): δ17O = 2.673‰, δ18O = 4.172‰, Δ17O = 0.504‰ (mean of 3 runs on 1 g of the bulk sample).

Classification: Ungrouped type 3 chondrite with textural affinities to an H3 chondrite but low Fa mol% (Folco et al. 2004; Bridges et al. 1999); shock stage S3; weathering W2.

Type specimens: All the specimens, including the main mass (67 g) and one thin section are on deposit at MSP (Museo di Scienze Planetarie).

Data from:
  Table 1
  Line 1:
Mass (g):129
Class:Ungrouped chondrite
Shock stage:S3
Weathering grade:W2
Fayalite (mol%):5.6
Ferrosilite (mol%):6.9-22.6
Classifier:V. Moggi Cecchi, G. Pratesi, Museo di Scienze Planetarie
Type spec mass (g):67
Type spec location:MSP
Main mass:MSP
Comments:δ17O=2.673‰; δ18O=4.172‰; Δ17O =0.504‰
Plots: O isotopes:  
   and collections
MSP: Museo di Scienze Planetarie, Via Galcianese 20/H, 59100 Prato, Italy, Italy; Website (institutional address; updated 22 Oct 2022)
OU: Planetary and Space Sciences Department of Physical Sciences The Open University Walton Hall Milton Keynes MK7 6AA United Kingdom, United Kingdom (institutional address; updated 8 Dec 2011)
References: Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 94, MAPS 43, 1551-1588 (2008)
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     Recommended::   (27° 40' 21"N, 4° 21' 24"E)

     This is 1 of 428 approved meteorites from Tamanghasset, Algeria (plus 2 unapproved names) (plus 2 impact craters)
     This is 1 of 1400 approved meteorites from Algeria (plus 33 unapproved names) (plus 4 impact craters)
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