Name: Larkman Nunatak 06636 This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name. Abbreviation: LAR 06636 Observed fall: No Year found: 2006 Country: Antarctica [Collected by US Antarctic Search for Meteorites program (ANSMET)] Mass: 6.3 g
The exterior is a weathered dull black with chocolate brown patches of fusion crust. The interior is a gray matrix with rust and evaporites. It has a soft texture with low or no metal.
Thin Section (,4) Description - Cari Corrigan, Tim McCoy and Linda Welzenbach
The section consists of a coarse-grained mixture of olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, magnetite and sulfides. Rare relict chondrules are observed and the section is cross-cut by veins and networks of shock-melt that includes micron-sized silicates, magnetite and sulfides. Mafic silicates are homogeneous. Olivine is Fa34 and augite is Fs10Wo48. Plagioclase is variable (An62-89). The meteorite is a shock-veined CK6 chondrite.
Oxygen Isotopic Analysis - Doug Rumble
The oxygen isotopic composition of a magnetic, whole-rock fraction is δ17O = -5.684, -5.789, δ18O = -2.171, -2.348, Δ17O = -4.54, -4.55, within the range of CK chondrites.
JSC: Mailcode XI, 2101 NASA Parkway, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058, United States; Website (institutional address; updated 28 Jul 2022) SI: Department of Mineral Sciences, NHB-119, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, United States; Website (institutional address; updated 16 Jan 2012)
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