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Shişr 176
Basic information Name: Shişr 176
     This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: There is no official abbreviation for this meteorite.
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2010
Country: Oman
Mass:help 1170 g
Meteoritical Bulletin:  MB 101  (2012)  L6
Recommended:  L6    [explanation]

This is 1 of 13099 approved meteorites (plus 11 unapproved names) classified as L6.   [show all]
Search for other: L chondrites, L chondrites (type 4-7), Ordinary chondrites, and Ordinary chondrites (type 4-7)
Comments: Approved 21 Nov 2012
Writeup from MB 101:

Shişr 176        18°13.207’N, 53°49.258’E

Zufar, Oman

Found: 14 Oct 2010

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (L6)

History: Eleven, fresh, complete meteorites found near Shisr, Oman.

Physical characteristics: Stones mostly covered by black fusion crust, several are oriented.

Petrography: Łukasz Karwowski, USil) Olivine in chondrules and small olivine grains outside of chondrules have similar compositions with low Fa. Larger olivine grains are texturally zoned: outer zones are richer with Fa26.45. Low-Ca pyroxene is usually accompanied by Ca pyroxene. Feldspar is recrystalized, sometimes with albitic twinning.  No maskelynite was found. Chondrules generally highly recrystalized. Barred chondrule and  radial pyroxene chondrules were found. Chondrules to 2 mm. Cl-bearing apatite and merrillite present. Opaque minerals are represented by troilite, kamacite, taenite, and chromite. Tetratenite occurs as separate grains. Small copper grains were found in taenite kamacite and troilite.

Geochemistry: Łukasz Karwowski, USil) Olivine Fa24.7-26.5; low-Ca pyroxene Fs21.3-21.9Wo0.9-2.1:  high-Ca pyroxene  Fs7.6-8.5Wo44.5-46.2; feldspar Ab82.0-86.8Or2.8-7.6; kamacite: 6.3-6.8 at% Ni; 0.66-0.69 at% Co, troilite Fe49.6-49.4S50.0-50.2; Accessory: chromite, Cl-apatite, merrillite, tetrataenite (separate grains), metallic Cu in taenite, kamacite and troilite.

Classification: Łukasz Karwowski, USil) Olivine (Fa24.69-26.45),  low-Ca pyroxene (Fs21.27-21.86) identify this stone as an L6.  Sparse chondrules with diffuse boundaries further indicate that it is an L6 chondrite. Shock stage S1, weathering grade W0/1

Specimens: 24 g at USil (type specimen); main Mass, Tomasz Jakubowski; 7 pieces Woreczko & Wadi Collection

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Date:14 Oct 2010
Mass (g):1170
Shock stage:medium
Weathering grade:low
Fayalite (mol%):24.7-25.9
Ferrosilite (mol%):21.3-21.4
Wollastonite (mol%):45.2
Classifier:T. Karwowski, USil
Type spec mass (g):24
Type spec location:USil
Main mass:Tomasz Jakubowski
Finder:Wadi and J. Woreczko, C. Fox and T. Jakubowski.
Comments:Submitted by Lukasz Karwowski, USil
   and collections
USil: Earth Sciences Museum, Institute of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice, B?dzi?ska 60, Sosnowiec, 41_200, Poland; Website (institutional address; updated 22 Nov 2020)
References: Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 101, MAPS 50, 1661, September 2015
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     Recommended::   (18° 13' 12"N, 53° 49' 15"E)

     This is 1 of 2653 approved meteorites from Zufar, Oman (plus 27 unapproved names)
     This is 1 of 4526 approved meteorites from Oman (plus 419 unapproved names)
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