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Jungo 005
Basic information Name: Jungo 005
     This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: There is no official abbreviation for this meteorite.
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2010
Country: United States
Mass:help 103.6 g
Meteoritical Bulletin:  MB 102  (2013)  L6
Recommended:  L6    [explanation]

This is 1 of 13171 approved meteorites (plus 11 unapproved names) classified as L6.   [show all]
Search for other: L chondrites, L chondrites (type 4-7), Ordinary chondrites, and Ordinary chondrites (type 4-7)
Comments: Approved 27 Sep 2013
Writeup from MB 102:

Jungo 005        40°53.047N, 118°21.159W

Humboldt County, Nevada, United States of America

Found: 8 Oct 10

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (L6)

History: A single stone was found by Mr. Scott Johnson on the south side of the Jungo dry lake bed on October 8, 2010. A piece of this stone was donated to Cascadia in July 2011.

Physical characteristics: The stone has a dark brownish-black exterior which represents a combination of weathered fusion crust and weathering rind. The cut face is reddish-brown and is cross-cut by dark veins.

Petrography: (M. Hutson, Cascadia). Chondrules are discernible, but are well-integrated with coarse matrix. Individual feldspar grains are easily observed in transmitted light and have undulose extinction. Approximately 75-80% of the opaques have been replaced by terrestrial weathering product, indicative of weathering grade W3. Olivine grains show mild to strong undulose extinction with irregular fractures. The section contains a roughly ovoid igneous-textured inclusion ~6 mm × 7 mm in size, which contains olivine, high- and low-Ca pyroxenes, and feldspar. Mineral compositions are equilibrated with those in the host chondrite.

Geochemistry: (M. Hutson, Cascadia). Olivine (Fa26.0±0.7, n=24) and low-Ca pyroxene (Fs22.2±1.7Wo1.6±0.3, n=10).

Specimens: A single 23.3 g piece and a polished thin section are on deposit at Cascadia. Mr. Scott Johnson holds the main mass.

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  Table 0
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Origin or pseudonym:Jungo Dry Lake Bed
Date:8 Oct 10
Mass (g):103.6
Shock stage:S3
Weathering grade:W3
Fayalite (mol%):26.0±0.7
Ferrosilite (mol%):22.2±1.7
Wollastonite (mol%):1.6±0.3
Classifier:M. Hutson, Cascadia
Type spec mass (g):23.3
Type spec location:Cascadia
Main mass:Mr. Scott Johnson, 33260 SR 129, Asotin WA 99402
Finder:Scott Johnson
Comments:Field Number Jungo2 and Lab Number CML 0650; submitted by M. Hutson
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Cascadia: Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory, Portland State University, Department of Geology, Room 17 Cramer Hall, 1721 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201, United States; Website (institutional address; updated 28 Oct 2011)
References: Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 102, MAPS 50, 1662, September 2015
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United States
     Recommended::   (40° 53' 3"N, 118° 21' 10"W)

     This is 1 of 185 approved meteorites from Nevada, United States (plus 4 unapproved names)
     This is 1 of 1935 approved meteorites from United States (plus 866 unapproved names) (plus 28 impact craters)
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