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Oued Bourdim 001
Basic information Name: Oued Bourdim 001
     This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: There is no official abbreviation for this meteorite.
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2014
Country: Morocco
Mass:help 393 g
Meteoritical Bulletin:  MB 104  (2015)  Pallasite, PES
Recommended:  Pallasite, PES    [explanation]

This is 1 of 5 approved meteorites classified as Pallasite, PES.   [show all]
Search for other: Eagle Station group pallasites, Metal-rich meteorites, and Pallasites
Comments: Approved 13 Feb 2015
Writeup from MB 104:

Oued Bourdim 001        32°0’21.1"N, 3°14’15.6" W

Eastern, Morocco

Find: 2007

Classification: Pallasite (Eagle Station group)

History: (H. Chennaoui Aoudjehane, FSAC): In November, 2007, Brahim Oubadi from Bouanane, Morocco, was searching for meteorites on the Oued Bourdim wadi. He found many small pieces of a heavy rock (for its size) that looked different from the surrounding materials. Over the next few years, Mr. Oubadi found approximately 400 g. He sold the stones to a meteorite dealer in Boudnib, and they were subsequently sold at the Tucson Gem and Mineral show where they were nicknamed "Boudnib".

Physical characteristics: Many small stones totaling 393 g. The largest are 48.9 g and 68.9 g, whereas the majority are <10 g. Exterior of the stones is dark colored and the olivines are sand blasted with a waxy luster. Fusion crust largely absent, though there are a few remaining patches on the metal. Medium to low weathering.

Petrography: (L. Garvie, ASU). A 3 × 2 cm sawn surface of the 48.9 g stone shows 30 areal% metal. Olivine grains highly fractured, rounded and <1 cm across. Swathing kamacite to 1 mm thick and discontinuous. There are a few areas of swathing schreibersite to 0.5 mm thick. Ropey schreibersite also present within the swathing kamacite. Troilite rare, occurring as spheres to 1 mm in the olivine. The bulk of the metal has a martensite decomposition structure (Novotny et al., 1982), composed of Widmanstätten alpha platelets (typically <100 μm long) in fine plessite matrix; schreibersite 10 to 50 μm is common. The platelets are surrounded by taenite rims. Two chromite grains present. Excluding the 48.9 g stone, six additional stones were sectioned, polished, and etched - all showed metal with the martensite decomposition structure. Terrestrial Fe oxides locally replacing swathing kamacite and troilite.

Geochemistry: (J. Wasson, UCLA): Metal composition by INAA (mean of two analyses) Ni 170.3 mg/g; Co 9.1 mg/g, Ga 8.1 μg/g, As 12.8 μg/g, Ir 5.98 μg/g, W 0.36 μg/g, Pt 17 μg/g, and Au 1.34 μg/g. (L. Garvie, ASU): EMPA of eight separate olivine grains give Fa21.2±0.2, FeO/MnO=99.9±9.0. (K. Ziegler, UNM): Analyses of 5 acid-washed olivine subsamples by laser fluorination dual inlet mass spectrometry gave, respectively, δ17O -6.02, -5.98, -5.82, -6.04, -6.48; δ18O -2.17, -2.19, -1.85, -2.15, -2.98; Δ17O -4.88, -4.83, -4.85, -4.91, -4.91 per mil (reference TFL slope = 0.528, values are linearized).

Classification: Pallasite of the Eagle Station chemical group.

Specimens: ASU 116.7 g, Ruben Garcia 158.8 g, and Bob Cuchiara 68.9 g.

  • Novotny P.M., Goldstein J.I., and Williams D.B. (1982) Analytical electron microscope study of eight ataxites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 46, 2461-2469. (link)
Data from:
  Table 0
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Place of purchase:Tucson
Longitude:3°14'15.6" W
Mass (g):393.4
Class:Pallasite, PES
Weathering grade:medium
Fayalite (mol%):21.2±0.2
Classifier:L. Garvie, J. Wasson, K. Ziegler, H. Chennaoui Aoudjehane
Type spec mass (g):116.7
Type spec location:ASU
Main mass:ASU
Finder:Brahim Oubadi
Comments:Submitted by L. Garvie
Plots: O isotopes:  
   and collections
ASU: Center for Meteorite Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-1404, United States; Website (institutional address; updated 14 Jan 2012)
UCLA: Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567, United States (institutional address; updated 17 Oct 2011)
FSAC: Universite Hassan II Casablanca, Faculte des Sciences Ain Chock, Departement de Géologie, BP 5366 Maârif, Casablanca, Morocco (institutional address; updated 9 Jan 2013)
UNM: Institute of Meteoritics MSC03 2050 University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM 87131-1126 USA, United States; Website (institutional address; updated 12 Feb 2015)
References: Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 104, MAPS 52, 2284, Octover 2017, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/maps.12930/full
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     Recommended::   (32° 0' 21"N, 3° 14' 16"W)

     This is 1 of 6 approved meteorites from Eastern, Morocco
     This is 1 of 2163 approved meteorites from Morocco (plus 32 unapproved names) (plus 1 impact crater)
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